Hi everyone. Hope you had a great Christmas. Nothing straight forward here 🤪 appreciate any views
Waited for period to start this months cycle of IVF - I was three days past due date and during this time I had a really sore stomach at points. I skipped two days of dhea (only taking a 25mg but heard it can delay period)
and on the second day started light bleed at 10pm (barely noticeable on tissue) (three days late)
The next morning it started only slightly heavier and I then had quite a large dark red black clot the following morning when wiping. This is totally unusual for me. Bleeding seemed to be quite consistent all that day light flow until present.
I usually have quite light periods but not as light as when this period started, or maybe I just caught it earlier. My periods seem to be getting lighter and shorter and I’m petrified of menopause. This one seems to have only really lasted 1.5 - 2.5 days.
Question is - which would you count as day 1? I am due to start nohisterone on day 18. Does it really matter?
The clot worried me, as it's not usual for me. I have been trying naturally so I am concerned this is some kind of very early miscarrage. I had taken tests two days after missed period which was negative. My cycle is usually 25 days and this was 28