My lovely friend got a BFP and had her 8 week scan earlier this week. During the NHS scan they told her she is probably 6 weeks pregnant based on the baby measurement. The ivf clinic have said she is 8 weeks pregnant. My friend is now worried about medication. She was only meant to take medication for 9 weeks prescribed by off clinic. She is now stressed about not having enough medication. The ivf clinic are saying measurements can be wrong so she should stick to the medication plan but my friend is worried that she might be coming off medication early. any advice about this.
Question on behalf of my friend - Fertility Network UK
Question on behalf of my friend

That sounds a confusing one for her, bless her. That be strange that both be quite far out. Is she being scanned again to check again as sure the ivf clinic would know esp if was a planned transfer but in that way it may be a bit of a concern if lil one only measuring 6 weeks. Think will prob need to double check all ok with lil one first and then if ok the nhs should be able to extend her medication. I got further medication from nhs after my viability scan so hopefully be fine in that way. Hope all ok xx
Hiya. Thanks for your reply. Yes another scan is booked in two weeks time but she is worried that they (NHS) will say she's 8 weeks and the clinic will say she's 10 weeks. She may miss out on 2 weeks medication
No worries. Tbh I think she should be more concerned about the big diff in weeks that one says and the other. No reason why ivf clinic would be wrong or nhs so but worrying that they saying only measuring 6 weeks if she thinks she should be 8weeks It’s this they need to continue to check. She needs to have another scan 1st then if all ok they can prescribe her more medication. No clinic gives all until 12weeks usually anyway as unfort this can be a risky time so need to check all developing fine. Hopefully all ok then she can get more but it how lil one doing that is more important at mo. Hope that makes sense
Is the medication progesterone? If so she should take it for the whole time the IVF clinic have prescribed (think it’s about 9 or 10 weeks in total). She should be able to work that out from transfer day. After that your body generates enough progesterone naturally so you don’t need support. The size shouldn’t affect that but worth double checking with IVF clinic x
Hiya. The medication is progestrone in the form of cycolgest and progynova as well as heparin. What she's worries about is that the NHS and her off clinic are telling her she two different times for how far a long she is.
If she got pregnant with IVF there is no doubt about the date of conception and I would stick the the advice from the clinic. Dating via scans is more for natural conception when the exact date of ovulation/fertilisation is not known.
I agree with Hidden. Stick to the advice and timings of the fertility clinic. They know their dates. I am 10w 3d and at my booking in appointment with the midwife she worked out due date the old fashioned way (first day of last period) which is only really relevant for natural conception. So I have a due date of 18th March from the midwife but 1st April from the clinic. 🤦🏻♀️ I’ve been told to stay on oestrogen tablets until week 11 and progesterone pessaries until week 12.