Hi my friend just started her injections just before christmas and was told to ring her clinic when she came on her period. Sod's law, she came on late on Christmas day. She can't get hold of anyone at the Clinic and just wanted to know a couple of things. Is there anybody who has had IVF and knows the process that could PM me so I can pass on the email to my friend. She's naturally worried and a quick email or two from one of you lovely ladies would definitely help!
IVF - Help for a friend: Hi my friend... - Fertility Network UK
IVF - Help for a friend

I had the same problem 2 years ago. My period started on Christmas Day morning & I couldn't get through until the following day. We then had to wait until my following cycle, but had I started in the afternoon or evening of Christmas Eve we could have started treatment that cycle. So your friend maybe ok. All the best.
most clinics have an emergency on-call number that you can ring to notify of these sorts of things (both mine did). she's started the injections, so I pesume she is looking to book in a scan/bood tests. Would suggest calling again and leaving a message (which should get picked up, there will be other ladies mid-cycle too), or trying to get hold of the on-call person. there are a number of different protocols for IVF, so can't give any more specific advice at this time.
I have just started mine yesterday and was told to note down the date of any period that started in my book they gave me. Is she on Buserlin?
Hello ladies, I spent years on forums looking for hope and advice, as they say a problem shared is a problem halved. I overcame my 7 years of infertility due to endometriosis and reoccurring ovarian cysts. Just before my 40 I completely changed my life style and as a result I had two beautiful healthy children NATURALLY! No IVF! I wanted to share my success in the hope that I might help other ladies on their difficult quest to have children. My ebook is published on Amazon and will be available completely free on 2nd of February 2014. Hopefully I didn't sound too markety, I'm just keen on helping. (5 SIMPLE WAYS TO FERTILITY - Pavla Kesslerova)