So in between ivf cycles we are still trying naturally.My cycles are usually about 35/36 days long.Before my miscarriage last sept I never got a positive on an ovulation stick. Couple of months after miscarriage I got my first positive peak fertility on a clear blue digital ovulation stick. It was on cycle day 24! I think previously I may have always been testing too early and possibly given up and got fed up with not seeing any results! Back in math this year I got 4 high fertility days and then the peak. Last month I didn’t test as I had a chemical pregnancy from my 3rd FET. This month I’ve been testing and my high fertility started on cycle day 27! So far I’ve had 5 days of high fertility and no peak! Anyone else experienced this? Surely I can’t ovulate so late in my cycle?! Do you think my body is confused after the chemical?
Late ovulation: So in between ivf... - Fertility Network UK
Late ovulation

Hi 👋 i don’t really know the answer but I know all bodies are different and whilst there is an estimated time window for ovulation this won’t fit everyone. I am the opposite and have slightly shorter cycles ranging 24-26 days. As this is only a couple of days shorter than average the first gp I spoke with arranged for bloods to be tested based on the average cycle. The test came back suggesting I didn’t ovulate at all. I had a second test done but this time the tests were earlier to account for my shorter cycle. It came back positive saying I ovulate as normal but sooner than the average woman. Therefore, I don’t know why yours couldn’t be later than the average woman.
I definitely recommend buying the large packs of disposable daily ovulation tests strips and getting a cycle tracking app such as ‘Clue’ (it was free) this really highlighted the pattern of ovulation so I knew when to expect it.
Best of luck xx
Do you have pcos? I do and I used to get a run of high fertility readings on these, maybe 8-10 days. Sometimes they’d end in a peak and other times not. Also blood tests confirmed I hadn’t ovulated sometimes after a peak reading so a bit frustrating.
My dr recommended using them twice a day as some women’s surge will be so short it could be missed if used daily. It’s an expensive POAS habit though! 🙈 xx
Hi, no I don’t have PCOS but I do have low AMH. I just did another one today when I got home from work and went from high to negative so now I’m more confused lol! Do you think I missed the surge or it was too low to hit peak? I’ve had high and then hit peaks the last few times I’ve tested. Or maybe my body is a bit out of sync with the chemical pregnancy last month? Xxx
Hi hun, my cycles are roughly 31 days and I ovulate between 18 - 21... it’s different for everyone so the ovulation sticks are really handy xx
Hi I use the ovulation sticks. My cycle is only 24 days and I usually ovulate on day 16, so a little late and leaves me with a short luteal phase. I have always got positive blood tests to confirm I ovulate but i have noticed some months i don't hit peak, so can't have ovulated. I have had a box of the tests that show high days and I got 5 days worth of high readings and then a peak which I was really shocked at. I just think every cycle is different and the sticks help with determining what's happening at that time. But who knows what's going on. Maybe just keep checking and see what happens on your next few cycles xx
Thank you, I’m beginning to think I have a short luteal phase too and wondering if this is contributing to my inability to conceive! I’ll track next cycle too but then after that I’ll hopefully be on to my next FET. Xxx
I got the peak on day 7 finally! X