Clearblue ovulation tests (digital) - Fertility Network UK

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Clearblue ovulation tests (digital)

Esb27 profile image
18 Replies

Is it normal to only get ‘high’ fertility on a Clearblue digital ovulation stick for one day before you get your ‘peak’? I had a ‘low’ circle the day before the ‘high’ one then the day after that it was ‘peak’ so it was all over quite quickly!

Baring in mind I’ve just finished a cancelled medicated FET cycle 2 weeks ago and my cycle has reset without a bleed. So no doubt this cycle will be all messed up anyways but I swear I used to get 3-4 days of ‘high’ fertility before my ‘peak’.

Has anyone else experienced this out of interest?

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Esb27 profile image
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18 Replies
ttcsolomummytobe profile image

Hi I'm not sure the impact the medication from the FET cycle. It I recently used clearblue advanced digital for my IUI cycle.

The first test should always ready a circle as it's setting your baseline unless you are already at peak and it will then give the solid face.

But yes it can go from circle to flashing face to solid face. This is because it is picking up on the increasing LH.

I would check the clearblue website and see which day it suggests you start testing, for me it was a few days earlier than I expected. So I had 2 flashing faces only.

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to ttcsolomummytobe

Yeah I started at the earliest point I could (as in I took my last shortest cycle and looked on the table in the instructions which tells you when to start testing).

Hmm so maybe I had high fertility for a couple of days before that but it didn’t pick it up as it was only doing the baseline.

Interesting! Thanks for responding. I’ll be doing more Clearblue ovulation kits next cycle too as that will be my natural FET cycle :)

ttcsolomummytobe profile image
ttcsolomummytobe in reply to Esb27

My understanding is those tests also test for estrogen and that's part of what causes the flashing face, is it possible you have increased levels in your system? Now you have a solid face it won't let you test for 48 hours.

Sounds like your cycle will be more closely monitored (again sorry not familiar with FET as just had my first IUI) but I was advised to get 2 sets of tests, or one of the digital rather than advanced digital and use the advanced digital each morning but each evening collect a urine sample. If the morning test was solid then test the evening before sample with the second test kit. Just to give an idea of when the rise was.

As I had a solid face Monday and Sunday evenings one was I went for IUI on the Monday afternoon. Had there been a flashing face on Sunday evenings I would have gone in Tuesday morning.

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to ttcsolomummytobe

Yeah that’s a fair point it could be that! Though I do wonder if Estrogen from my last FET cycle could effect BBT as well as I have an ovusense and that confirmed I ovulated yesterday (same as the clear blue). But who knows this is such a minefield haha.

Next month I will be testing ovulation twice a day for my natural FET, I was just curious as to where the hell I was in my cycle after stopping meds as last time my cycle just reset without a bleed so I was like where the F is my period ha. But that’s good to know about the different timings with peaks, will be interesting to see what happens next time.

How exciting about your IUI! Hope all is okay and you get through the dreaded 2ww okay!

ttcsolomummytobe profile image
ttcsolomummytobe in reply to Esb27

For you to have got the solid smiley there was a good level of LH present. The sensitivity of the LH detection in Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is 40mIU/ml which is defo enough for ovulation to occur so it could well be the case. Yea defo a minefield and with how medication can effect it. Wow must be so strange to have a cycle reset without a period!

Thank you! Promised myself I won't test before the 14 days my clinic ask you to test on, I have guests staying between day 10 and day 14 of the wait so hoping that will be a good distraction.

Not working till Saturday so going to book a cinema trip and a couple of other nice but easy going distractions in. Any tips for the 2ww?

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to ttcsolomummytobe

That's true! Yeah it's sooo strange, feel more in control this time round though as I know what's happening and that in two weeks I should get my period which means trying again :)

Oh that's a great distraction from early testing! Though I suppose they are staying later in 2ww, if only it was earlier haha. Sadly I have yet to even get to a 2ww with IVF, my fresh was cancelled because I got OHSS then my last two frozen's have been cancelled too as I don't react well to the fake estrogen so my lining never got thick enough. But I think you're doing the right thing by booking nice things in. I don't think you ever really forget about it and symptom spot every hour of the day lol but at least if you are doing nice/fun things then it will help the process. Just be kind to yourself though, no doubt you will have up and down days but it's all part of the ride. I really hope you are successful though, will have my fingers crossed. We need more success stories on here :)

ttcsolomummytobe profile image
ttcsolomummytobe in reply to Esb27

Guests staying 10-14 days on the wait kinda works for me as don't think I would test before that as would defo be line squinter and added stress.Glad you are feeling in control, think that's a big part 💗 sorry to hear you haven't got to that stage yet and have had a difficult ride and challenges, will keep my fingers crossed for you for your next and more natural cycle

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to ttcsolomummytobe

Thanks ttcsolomummytobe ! Sorry for my delayed reply, I didn't get this notifcation. How is the tww going??? Hope you're staying sane!

ttcsolomummytobe profile image
ttcsolomummytobe in reply to Esb27

Hey! Not a worry! It's been going okay, although not being able to go swimming and limiting exercise to only walking is challenging. My nurse and then an embryologist confirmed this is what they recommend,no swimming due to risk of infection and exercises more because in their words "if it wasn't successful would I be thinking what if I hadn't have done xyz!" Which I do get but makes it very difficult but a very sitting around person usually ha.

I have resisted testing mainly because I know it would be silly this early on, also found this useful link that I think will help when it gets closer to test time.

I have managed to get my test date off work so feeling happy about that. Apart from that just trying to ignore and odd symptoms or sensations but defo having some feels I've not before. Very excited and hopeful.

How are you feeling for you up and comin testing and cycle?

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to ttcsolomummytobe

Oh yeah I've heard about the swimming thing, I had to wait extra long to start a cycle once as I was going on holiday and I didn't want to be PUPO on holiday as I wouldn't be able to get in the pool haha.

Glad you've held off testing, well done! Test day off work also seems smart as then you can just react how you want and not have to hide anything. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you!! Keep those positive vibes.

I'm okay, looking forward to starting the natural cycle. Hoping I'll start it this weekend/early next week as I've been tracking ovulation etc and my period is definitely coming very soon (got all the PMS feels). Just praying natural works better for us as I'd like to have an actual shot at a transfer lol.

ttcsolomummytobe profile image
ttcsolomummytobe in reply to Esb27

Ohh I would have also delayed it if it had been a holiday and swimming pool... That's like one of the best parts!!

Yea, I think whatever the outcome on Monday it will just be nice to have the day to myself to take on whatever the test says, call clinic and find out what the next steps are.

And thank you, will also keep everything crossed for you that your transfer goes ahead and the tww is kind 💗

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to ttcsolomummytobe


Good idea, hope the next few days go okay and you're able to get some more distractions with your guests!

Thank you😘

Emilye92x profile image

Hi! I only had 1.5 days of high fertility before the peak and that was on my unmedicated FET after a 4 month break from a fresh cycle! Currently 13+2 so all went well 💕 best of luck!! Xx

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to Emilye92x

Ahhh thanks that is good to know :) congrats on your pregnancy!! xx

Purpledoggy profile image

It's a stupid feature (IMHO) but the first time you use the test it calibrates itself to your baseline. I had this confirmed by ClearBlue because I did not believe it when someone else told me this. (I work in laboratory dignostics and have never heard of anything so daft but that's how it works.) It's particularly galling to me because it does not say this anywhere in the insert! It just tells you which day on your cycle to start.

Anyway, if the first time you use a new reader is relatively late in your cycle ie when you have a reasonable amount of detecable oestrogen, then it will calibrate a certain amount of oestrogen as 'zero'. You will only then get a flashing face when it gets significantly higher than that, which means you may get fewer flashing days than if you had started earlier in your cycle. xx

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to Purpledoggy

Oh that's super interesting, thanks Purpledoggy! They deffo don't put that on the leaflet do they!! xx

Hi Esb27,

I often have only one high day before my peak days in natural cycles. Never thought of it as a problem.

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to

Oh cool, that's good to know. I'm sure it's totally fine, I just never seen that before lol

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