Went for my third scan this morning as my womb was 6.8mm last week and they wanted it at 8 before starting the pessaries.
Me and the nurse had a good chat about how to cope with migraines, other symptoms, plans etc. Then she scanned me.
My womb lining has decreased. She was very lovely about it which made it even worse. I just laid and cried as she poke around my womb hoping to find any bit that was 8mm thick so they could still try to salvage this cycle but no. I was gutted. It literally feels like the world has fallen out from under your feet. Again. First the OHSS, now my womb decreasing in thickness, who knows what's next.
So next step, they're going to do a back to back cycle as I hadn't got to the point of pessaries so hopefully that wont affect anything. Need more drugs and a higher dose. Who knows.
Maybe third cycle lucky- we might actually get to the point of an emby being put back in.