Hello. Our first cycle has ended in a BFN. I had terrible period pains in the last two days of the 2WW and started brown spotting and clots. This increased to more brown blood and then I stopped the pessaries last night and theres some red bleeding today but really really light. I'm worried that my period should now be really heavy shouldn't it? Is this a sign that my lining was too thin or that I'm even lower now on my AMH / reserves. I'm just 41 and desperate to try again with my own eggs ... Is it always the case that a healthy lining etc after IVF means a very heavy period after a BFN? Or is a light period also common?
Very light period after BFN - Fertility Network UK
Very light period after BFN

Hey, I’m just finishing my period after a failed FET. I had a good lining but the period is lighter than my natural one would’ve been. I have crazy heavy ones normally though. The clinic didn’t seem to think much of it. Whilst on the pill for years (the irony right, trying not to get pregnant...) I also had lighter periods. Not sure if this is helpful but wanted to share.
Mine was really light after my bfn and I was also worried that it signalled thin lining and low Amh, I had been warned that the first period after would be really heavy.... but the clinic didn’t seem concerned and my next period after that was back to normal. Try not to worry... bodies do the craziest things x
I thought the same, I normally have heavy periods however I probably had 2 days of light bleeding then some spotting and it stopped. My period after was the same and I spoke to the consultant about it, she reassured me and said that it is perfectly normal and that everyone is different. Some people may bleed heavily others wont. I am 38 soon and have low reserve, just give yourself time to recover. This does crazy things to you physically and mentally. Good Luck xx
Hi, we had a failed FET cycle in May, my lining was over 12mm but my period was lighter than usual and only about 3 days long, I’ve just had my second period since and it’s been much heavier with some pain which I never usually have so perhaps it’s normal, nobody seems worried about it xx