Sorry this is a bit graphic so don’t read if you don’t want to read about an actual miscarriage happening, but I can’t make sense of something. I’ve got myself absolutely terrified that I will never carry a pregnancy. I’m 35 and we have just suffered what I classed as our fourth miscarriage, this one being the latest at 6.5 weeks (others were 5 or 5.5 weeks). I passed the embryo tissue yesterday afternoon after a lot of pain in the morning, it came away in one piece so I rang the early pregnancy unit who said since I was due my first scan today at 8am, I should bring it in for them to confirm otherwise my pregnancy would have to be classed as a pregnancy of unknown location. Sadly the nurse confirmed that it was my pregnancy tissue so I have to still attend for the scan today to see if it is all gone. My earlier 3 losses over the last 18 months were a bit earlier so weren’t quite as obvious, just like a clotty period.
I told my mum... and she reminded me of something that has really been on my mind a lot - when I was a lot younger like 19-23 ish, we can’t actually remember when, i had the the same pain like a sudden need to go to the toilet and passed very similar tissue but double the size. Back then I had not been worried that I was pregnant, so much so that at the time I shouted my mum to the bathroom as I thought it was just something weird happening. I think at the time I thought it was a weird clot but after yesterday me and mum both think it was more likely a miscarriage of about 8 weeks and it was a lot more solid that what I passed yesterday. I was obviously very naive back then as looking back, it can only have been a miscarriage.
Sorry, it’s graphic and a weird thing to post. But my mum brought it up yesterday as she’s now really concerned that my miscarriages are all being suggested that my egg quality isn’t good enough any more... but now thinking that the same happened to me aged about 20, why even back then couldn’t I keep a pregnancy?
I’m going for the 8am scan today to confirm that all my pregnancy is gone 😢 and I’m going to tell them about it but I just can’t stop thinking that I’ll never carry if even the same happened all those years ago and has happened 4 times in the last 8 months too.