Sorry it’s the middle of the night and for the long post, but I can’t sleep and I thought it might help come to terms with what happened today/yesterday if I wrote things down.
So yesterday 9/03/2020 was our viability scan.
We went with such Hope, we’d had a strong positive pregnancy, was starting to get strong pregnancy symptoms and nothing other then my own anxiety to say that something wasn’t right. (This time round my anxiety was always going to be stronger as we had a MMC previous pregnancy)
I knew something was wrong as the nurse, said she just wanted to get a 2nd opinion from the consultant. I knew then that this was not going to have the outcome we’d been hoping and praying for.
They couldn’t find anything when they scanned me. They called it a pregnancy of unknown location. All these new terms which I never heard of before.
They think they may have been able to see a yolk sac, but they weren’t sure if that was scar tissue from my adenomyosis and previous surgeries I’ve had to remove it, but they aren’t 100% sure so they can’t rule out an ectopic pregnancy.
So they took bloods, and said that they would call today with the results and talk over what happens next.
They said they couldn’t go into more detail on what will happen now until they have the blood results.
I’m just feeling completely lost and completely empty, and my stupid body is still showing all signs of pregnancy. My boobs are hurting and I’m still feeling sick, and still peeing constantly.
Why is this process so cruel?
I know I’ll be ok eventually, but right now I just feel so empty and so numb and I can’t stop crying.