hey all
I wanted to post mainly just to get it all off my chest tbh but also incase anyone else finds themselves in the same situation and trawling forums/google like me for answers.
We finally got our BFP after a couple of years of trying and all was going great, we were so excited and shared the long awaited good news with close people who knew we were going through IVF. We were on cloud nine, reading daily what was happening in the pregnancy.
Just over 6 weeks pregnant and I got a terrible headache I put it down to hormones but when it got so bad that I couldnt work and I felt dizzy every time I moved I called the clinic who reassured me and said I could take paracetamol. On the Friday I took some and lay down with a cooling migraine strip on my head feeling worse and worse. I couldnt sleep through how ill I felt and then went to the toilet. Thats when I saw blood when I wiped, light at first and then heavy, red and passed a few clots honestly as big as tennis balls. I was understandably scared and upset and called my clinic again, with it being Friday they couldnt see me and told me that the EPUs would be closed and to go to A and E if I got worse or had any pains. I had absolutely no pain in my stomach only the dizziness and bad migraine so I didn't go to the hospital.
I woke up on the Saturday and I hadn't bled overnight but I felt worse, my eyes were heavy and the migraine was making me feel so sick, rang the clinic again and they advised i go to the hospital.
The hospital did blood tests and an examination but due to having no staff couldnt scan me. They said my cervix was closed and my HCG levels were very good for 6 weeks, they identified a cervix ectropian and said that could be where the bleeding had come from. 5 hours later they sent me home and promised to scan me on the Sunday. The waiting was torture and I couldnt do anything else but felt at least on the Sunday i would find out for sure what was happening. They called me up on the Sunday morning and said they couldnt fit me in for a scan and the doctor shouldnt have promised it. I literally begged them to fit me in as i didnt feel i could wait yet another sleepless night to know for sure, she said absolutely not. My clinic managed to fit me in on the Monday and confirmed I had had a miscarriage on the Friday.
I wish as soon as Id got that migraine id have gone in to be checked, i know they couldnt have stopped the miscarriage but I could have avoided the agonising weekend holding on to a shred of hope that we hadn't lost our already much loved baby. 😔