So basically we want to take a break from IVF, it was really rough and it has take a toll on my physically and on us both (DH and I) emotionally. I wanted to know if anyone out conceived naturally with low morphology. what did you do to help conceive? Supplements, vitamins?
Failed first round of IVF ICSI FET. T... - Fertility Network UK
Failed first round of IVF ICSI FET. Thinking of ttc naturally again. Anyone conceive naturally with low morphology? If so...

My partner and I are currently having ICSI FET cycle. The reason is because my partner has a very low sperm count (usually around 2million/ml- he’s quite consistent in being this low!).
Before this whole IVF journey we tried naturally for years and did manage to conceive a gorgeous girl naturally. We had not had any investigations to this point but I had a feeling something was not right, and we found out about his sperm count whilst ttc baby number 2.
We have since been told that it’s highly unlikely we would conceive naturally with a sperm count so low but we have proven it can happen. We try naturally between cycles but no further miracles for us just yet.
I guess I’m just trying to can happen, it may take a bit/lot longer but it’s possible. I know it’s a slightly different problem but I hope this offers you some hope! I had my partner taking zinc and nothing else and we conceived after a lovely relaxing holiday.
Good luck! I can definitely see why this option is preferable to IVF and I hope it works out for you both xx

Hey April, good like with your ICSI FET, I hope it all works out and you make a little sibling for your daughter. FET was really promising, it all looked great, excellent embryo etc. but it just didn’t happen. I think a break and another go at natural conception is a better option. It’s amazing to hear you guys managed to have a baby naturally, it really gives me hope! Our doctor told us we could but it will probably take longer like you mentioned.
IVF is tough, it really challenges your emotional strength. I feel like a stronger woman on the other side of it though. I really wish this is your cycle! Good luck and baby dust all around x
Thank you. Yes I agree IVF has challenged us in ways I never thought possible and we have had some of our lowest times but yet we continue and I have survived..I have a long overdue and much needed counselling session next week. Our consultant also believes natural conception is possible (odds are low) for us and says IVF just increases your chances each month but time is not on our side xx

I hope it all works out for you and your partner! For some reason I feel like I have more of a chance doing naturally, ivf was really hard. I’m trying to figure out how to maximise our low odds too.
Hubby has had three sperm tests so far and each time they've generally improved,more so in terms of volume (2m to 18 to 36). He took fertilsan during this time which I think may have helped. Good luck with it all and look after yourselves x x
Hi Lala,
I have had two failed fresh embryo transfers this year.
After EXTENSIVE research, questioning my doctor, asking my girlfriends who have also gone under IVF treatment I put myself and my husband on the following regime (Note, I am not a doctor, I don't know individual medical conditions, please ask before doing this blah blah there is my disclaimer)
600mg CoQ10 split into 2 doses
100mg DHEA split into 2 doses
(plus the usual prenatal vitamin, and vitamin D as my levels are low)
I was on CoQ10 for 3 months prior to my failed 2nd cycle so I've been on it for say 4.5 months now. DHEA I have only been on it for 5 weeks. Husband is on Menevit, Zinc and CoQ10 for 5 months, sperm morphology came out ok first round but second round had two sperm fertilise the one egg so they have recommended ICSI for our third round.
Anywhoo..... I can tell you that before we attempted our third round, I have fallen pregnant naturally!!! I am currently 5 weeks. This is after they told me I had a very low AMH for my age (I am old, at 39 for trying for a first child I guess) and none of my blasties have stuck after transfer.... so it was unlikely I could conceive naturally.
Therefore, long story short... it IS possible and it happened to us. We basically "gave up" trying naturally, i stopped doing the ovulation kits, my husband started drinking every friday again, everything we shouldn't have done we did, and we conceived. So anything is possible.
Don't lose faith but my clinic is monitoring me at the moment until I reach 8 weeks so they monitor my progesterone etc.