Feeling fed up 😪 Scan 3 today 14 follies 1 at 22mm which will be disregarded ... one 16 .. one 15 and the rest between 10 and 12mm. They have decided to keep me on menopur and upped my dose from 150 to 225 and will re scan Monday. Fingers crossed for egg collect Wednesday. Has anyone else been at this point of scan 4... Day 28 of injections tonight and feeling like this is a never ending cycle. Although I know its for the best to get the best chance I am so hoping Monday we are not kept on meds for longer. x
Stims day 11 - Scan day 4 Monday 😣 - Fertility Network UK
Stims day 11 - Scan day 4 Monday 😣

I’d be over the moon with those numbers and sizes. I’m Day 10 of stims and have my second scan tomo. On Tuesday I had 7 follicles and the most I’ve ever had is 12. All mine were 10/12mm. Hoping for a few more tomo and planned EC on Monday. You shouldn’t be disappointed with those numbers. Are you on long protocol? Your clinic must do things differently? I’ve only ever had 2 scans during stims. I agree, I’m sick of injecting now. Good luck xx
Heya ... thanks hun good luck with tomorrow fingers crossed for you. My ec was monday but now not as they arent happy with the size. However we are doing icsi as its male factor and therefore they want the follies above 14 as eggs coming from ones below are less likley to fertilize with icsi? Ours scans up to 5 times every other day with amended meds if required. I am greatful as they are not rushing us through and just collecting the three that are ready. But im soooo fes up yes long protocol and I had 17 follies to start before they began down reg so I was upset to now have less then the begining. I am 24 so they expected me to react well to the lowest dose but now they have uped it to 225 for over the weekend. Good luck xx
Oh hun. Feeling for you. Hopefully you will get some more growth on the higher dose 🤞 and EC is soon.
Sending lots of positive vibes 😘
Thank youuu so much xx How did Ec go for you today?? I hope you are feeling ok after and enjoy a well earned rest! x
It went really well thanks lovely. I was so shocked - we got 17 eggs 😳
Was quite sore after and slept all afternoon. Just had a cheeky Chinese to celebrate back on the sofa with a hot water bottle now though.
Really hope you have some good news Monday. Keep me updated x x x