First scan after starting Gonal f inj... - Fertility Network UK

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First scan after starting Gonal f injections

Lindt83 profile image
27 Replies

Hi all,

I'm currently undergoing IVF for the first time and I've just had my first scan after injection Gonal f each night. I have 6 follicles on each side and 1 of them are at 12mm. Is this a good sign?

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Lindt83 profile image
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27 Replies
DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Lindt. So far that looks like a good result to me. Hopefully you won't need many more days of Gonal F. Hope all continues to go well for you. Diane

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to DianeArnold

Thanks Diane for your response. I was so nervous this morning that I couldn't ask the nurse any questions. Do you know if there will be more follicles developing from now up until EC or do the current ones just grow in size? Many thanks

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to Lindt83

Hi Lindt. You may grow a few tiny ones, but I think that the ones you have will most likely increase in size large enough fr eggs to fit into. Diane

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to DianeArnold

Thanks Diane.

kirstyblue profile image

Sounds like a great start! Your probably be surprised as to how many eggs they collect! I know I was! Look after yourself x

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to kirstyblue

Thanks Kirsty. what stage are you at of your cycle?

kirstyblue profile image
kirstyblue in reply to Lindt83

I completed my first round of ivf last year and was lucky enough to get first time lucky so I am now nearly 21 weeks pregnant. I do like to still come on the fertility forum though to try give support and advice to others. It was such a help for me when I went through it.

Wishing you the absolute best of luck x

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to kirstyblue

Congratulations Kirsty! I hope you have a good remaining pregnancy. It's nice you're able to offer help and advice, it really does make a difference. Can you remember how many follicles you had in your first scan? I keep thinking 6 on each side is a bit low. Also, can there be more than one egg in each follicle? Sorry for my naivety.

Olivia1980xxx profile image

Hi lindt I’m currently undergoing ivf 3rd one . I’m on injections gonal f 375 iu day 7 2night and I just had my first scan this morning. On what dosage u r ? Xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Hi Olivia,

I'm also on Gonal f 375 iu and tonight is also day 7 for me. It's nice to know someone else is in the same boat as I am. How did your scan go? How many follicles did you have?

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Lindt83

Hi lindt that amazing we both on the same page 😃 Scan went well I have a 8 follicles on left side with small cyst and 5 on other side. I got few small ones 6 , 7 then two each 8 and 9 . One each size 10 , 11 and 13 ....and 3x size 12. They took some blood to check oestrogen level which I had issues before due to the cyst ..till they drain out I could finally start my injections. But she told me nothing to worry about they will drain again with egg collection just hope oestrogen level gonna be in “order”...☺️ Next scan this Friday . How u feeling in general? Is your first cycle .xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

I feel really tight around the stomach and quite bloated. Lots of mild discomfort during the day. I find the injections really difficult as I'm petrified of needles! My DH just did the one for tonight. Yes, first cycle. My next scan this Friday too. Fingers crossed we both get good news x

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Lindt83

My last two cycles I was ok with meds is just this time I’m really bloated too and very sensitive specially when they took my blood it hurts.. I’m ok with hubby never done any ...he don’t like needles 😂☺️ My clinic is over 1h drive so Friday another journey...feels like home now ☺️ xx Fingers crossed for us hun xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Yeah I've been feeling really sensitive too. The internal scan for me today was painful and very uncomfortable. I'm so glad my husband can do it (he's a Dr) otherwise I don't know what we would've done! That's a drive, ours is only 5 mins away. Well I hope all the driving pays off!! Have you got any time off from work during the ivf?

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Lindt83

Where r leave we have a fertility clinic 5 min away but we had there my first cycle... didn’t work so we took time to recover and “learn “ bit more about ivf so we decided to change the clinic... best thing we did . I’m self employed and I’m full time mum . How about your work during ivf ? Xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Ok, well I hope this will be a better clinic for you. If you don't mind me asking, was your first child conceived naturally? I've decided to take some time off work as you really need to be on the ball with my job.

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Lindt83

Around 5 years ago after trying for few years before we decided to see specialist. Few test I find out that my both tubes r blocked. Had operations to try to repair both of them but eventually right tube need to go I got both ovary and only left tube. So first ivf didn’t work . We change clinic ..different approach different meds ...everything felt more positive... From second cycle we have 22 months old baby girl ...and that same cycle left us with one frozen . Since my baby was 6 months old we being trying naturally but nothing. We just want increase chances so we decided to do one more ( last one) fresh cycle due to my age 39 this year and my AMH level drop to 5.7 . I hope we will have another miracle so my baby girl can have a sibling. What is your fertility issue if u don’t mind asking? Xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Thank you for sharing that, best of luck this time round too. My DH has low sperm and motility so we're trying for ICSI.

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Lindt83

My hubby is good but we had ICSI because last time they collected only 6 eggs so they want increase us chances. With this one now we see again how many they collect and how many will be enough to yep if so that mean extra cost us ICSI cost more then IVF . Xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Yes, we're funding it ourselves too. I'm 35 so don't qualify under NHS. I don't mind the cost as long as we get a baby at the end of it!

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Hi Olivia. Have you been for your scan today? How are things looking? I've just been and it looks ok. They think EC may be Wed/Thurs.

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Lindt83

Hello lindt yeh just come back home . Scan went well . So few of small ones sizes 6,7 , 2x 8 . They looking for anything above 12 . Both sides doing well but left side is really “busy”☺️ so far I got 3x size 13 , 1x size 14 ,3x size 15 , 1x size 16 , 2x size 17 and one ready one size 18 . That cyst from size 20 going Down to 19 but she say is ok they will drain what left with egg collection. My oestrogen level is good around 172 and they took blood again 2day. 11 so far more then my last cycle. I had sneak pick of my previous one ☺️ My injections r till Sunday so she said that I will have one more scan that day but They gonna call me this afternoon what the plan . She mention EC could be this Tuesday. How many follicles in total u have hun ? Xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

I'm glad to hear it all went well. I have 16 follicles, more on my left. They haven't quite reached the desired size so I think my EC won't be until Wed/Thurs. I have another appointment booked for a scan and blood test on Mon. How many eggs did you manage to get last time?

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Lindt83

My last cycle I was on lower dosage of gonal f 300iu they collected 6 eggs . When she call me this afternoon she said that they happy with a respond being on gonal f 375iu and with my 5.7 AMH being bit low they managed to grow more follicles then last cycle. Yeh I have more on my left side ...she add ...the left side looks “very busy “😃☺️ My last injections of gonal f is Saturday and Sunday sharp 8pm final Trigger. EC 9am Tuesday . I’m excited that finally we get to that point and so nervous too. But that not over yet ... nervous and stressful days to come after EC yes I just hope things gonna be ok ...and we can continue support each other through 2ww 🙏🙏xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

My AMH is quite low too, it's 7.6. I can't wait until the injections are over! We had to do 2 today to get the full 375 dose! Yeah, you must be excited, it's getting closer and closer now. The wait will be tough but I think for me it's the injections and the side effects! I've really struggled. So excited for you now!

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Lindt83

I done my 2 to make all 375 . All my injections r till Sunday so I’m gonna be left with full pen . My previous cycles I was ok but this one I’m struggle too with side effects but thanks two days and finish with injections and spray . Your will be over soon too hun . Xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

It must be the higher dose that causes the side effects! I hope it will all be worth it in the end!

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