Progesterone/spotting query - Fertility Network UK

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Progesterone/spotting query

Kirmie profile image
10 Replies

When trying to conceive naturally I had problems spotting before my period. Every cycle, at 5-7 days before I would start spotting. Then I experienced the same thing when starting to miscarry at 6weeks.

Now I’m on my first cycle of IVF and due to start cyclogest progesterone on Wednesday after egg collection I’m already starting to think about spotting. I’ll ask my clinic but Has anyone experienced the same and improvements with particular meds?

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Kirmie profile image
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10 Replies
Snez84 profile image

Hi Kirmie. I used to spot for 5 days before my period but no health professional ever seemed concerned. In my first IVF cycle I started to spot 7 days past transfer even though I was on Utrogestan. For my next two cycles, they added in an injectable progesterone called lubion, on top of 3 Utrogestan pessaries and this seemed to do the trick.

Wishing you luck with your cycle xx

Kirmie profile image
Kirmie in reply to Snez84

Thank you that's exactly what I wanted to know. I'd rather try that than spend one cycle as a fact-find trial and error do you know what i mean?

Kirmie profile image
Kirmie in reply to Kirmie

So I asked my clinic and they said 'any other extra supplement is not given as there is no robust supportive research based evidence'. Which is frustrating.

silverlini profile image

I too spot before my period which drives me insane!! Since I’ve been doing acupuncture it seems to have gotten less.

My first ivf cycle I was on progesterone (cyclogest) twice a day, I got BFP but a few days later started spotting because I had a chemical pregnancy.

My second cycle of IVF (just now) again I had a chemical pregnancy but didn’t spot at all just went to full on period.

So, what I’m trying to say is that if you are successful I highly doubt you will spot. But obviously I’m no doctor so I wouldn’t know for sure.

I want doctors to take my spotting more seriously though as it could be a hormonal issue they are not picking up on.

Good luck xxx

Kirmie profile image
Kirmie in reply to silverlini

Thank you and so sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancies. That's just so cruel.

Yes the only time I didnt spot pre-period was when I went on to be pregnant.

I've had lots of tests and there seems to be no known reason but I really feel that there must be something hormonal that's not right.

silverlini profile image
silverlini in reply to Kirmie

I’ve asked a few times and my hormone levels come back ok so who knows?! I know it started whilst I was on the pill so I came off thinking this is so annoying! And from then on I’ve had it ever since x

embiemomma profile image

I have had spotting for years, up to 6 days prior to period (very scant too) the only times I haven't had spotting is when I get pregnant!! 1st time was IVF (on progesterone) and 2nd time I got pregnant naturally taking baby aspirin to improve blood flow and lining. I'm sure I have a leuteal phase defect! Aspirin may have just been a fluke, but I'm not questioning it! I'm sure the hormone support from your clinic will help. Xxx

embiemomma profile image
embiemomma in reply to embiemomma

Also it's worth knowing issues like LPD and low progesterone won't be picked up on day 21 bloods because it is after then when you most likely spot!! You'd almost need daily bloods after day 21 which they'd never do. Also in IVF my lining wasn't thick enough for transfer so I had to have an extra week of meds. So frustrating when you know the likely problem. You can get natural progesterone over the counter but the dose is so low compared to prescribed progesterone. Xxx

in reply to embiemomma

Definitely do need daily bloods to prove this, I was told this by a private clinic. NHS wouldn't ever do this as it's too expensive.

Cyclogest on a natural cycle worked for me. I did get implantation spotting so thought I was out that month, but I only spotted on that one day, it stopped afterwards. Other posters are also correct, you can get a bit of spotting if you irritate your cervix. You need to find the balance of getting the pessary in far enough to stay in for the half hour to be absorbed, and not too far that it sits on your cervix.

Good luck with your cycle x

kirstyblue profile image

Is it progesterone pessaries? I spotted using pessaries due to irritation of the cervix x

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