Worrying period and spotting - Fertility Network UK

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Worrying period and spotting

Orla9298 profile image
10 Replies

My last two cycles I’ve had a bit of spotting around cycle day 12 and 13 ish, and this cycle I have now started full flow on cycle day 19, I’ve never had a cycle as short of this? Worried it’s signalling the end of my own fertility.

Has anyone else had mid cycle spotting and a sudden short cycle? I’m unsure what to think and doesn’t seem something to go to gp about?

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Orla9298 profile image
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10 Replies
Sisi172 profile image

Hi, before I gave birth to my daughter 19 months ago I had regular cycles of 28-30 days and luteal phase of 15 days. Since my periods came back it's all over the place and my cycles are much shorter. Lately every other one is 24-25 days and luteal phase is short aswell. My AMH is 3.2 so it might be sign of premenopausa :(

LanaTerene profile image

Yeah, it's a bit weird, to be honest. Irregularity can be an indicator. I would suggest visiting a doctor. It's important to get a professional opinion on such a situation. I want to wish you the best of luck. I really hope it isn't that serious! Keep us posted on how it goes.

GiantPanda profile image

Hi Orla. Hope you're ok. This is something I always worry about, and bear in mind I've got a good 10 yrs on you I think. My cycles were regular until I started TTC/IVF, and they've been up and down at times since. I've asked consultant but he says nothing he has seen suggests MP, but I reckon I'm heading for perimenopause. Going to GP made me worry more as they did blood tests at a random time, plus just after a bereavement, and one of the results frightened the life out of me. Consultant said may as well burn them because the timing rendered them useless. He tells me not to stress about it as that can cause fluctuations. However, I'm glad I went to GP as my spotting may have been caused by my cervical erosion /polyp, which I am getting sorted. In fact, have had no spotting since erosion was treated. I think go to GP to be on safe side to make sure nothing else is going on, but get them to do any blood tests at the right time. Not sure whether any of that might be helpful. Take care. Xx

Orla9298 profile image
Orla9298 in reply to GiantPanda

Thank you, I think I will call my GP on Monday... sigh... my GP surgery is terrible, it’s telephone triage and getting past the receptionist is a battle itself!!

I’ve been really stressed this month and not sleeping, a mix of work stress, and I seemed to hit a new level of grief with the whole infertility thing. I didn’t seem to ovulate this cycle I don’t think.

I hope you’re well?xx

GiantPanda profile image

Oh GP sounds a nightmare - worse than mine... It could be the stress and not sleeping, but best to get checked out. Can you talk to your mum about her experience too? Mine didn't tell me until I asked last year, but she started MP at 42. I was 41 at the time 😬. Cheers ma! She said it was that early because she had thyroid problems, but I was convinced I would be the same. I don't think society does enough to prepare us yet. I've read loads of stuff about symptoms, but it's all so vague.

Did you go with another clinic. I recall you were thinking about it? I am still trying to get cycle 2 underway after a few months' break. Thought I was on track for EC this week, but E2 dropped too much even though I had LH surge = cancelled. I'm having E2 and pg test next week to try to figure out what went on, and how to proceed. Just hoping I get af at a normal time. I've started to think about DE tbh, even though I never thought I would - but I guess no one does... Let me know how you get on. Xxx

Orla9298 profile image
Orla9298 in reply to GiantPanda

I’m all over the place with the donor egg thing... I was really up for it as my sister was going to do ivf and egg share with me, it didn’t end up happening and she is now 7 weeks pregnant. It’s been very hard to take and obviously she can’t be my donor for another 15 months ish.

I still have the one crappy embryo left at Create... so we are thinking we will do one more fresh ivf round and if we don’t get anything to transfer, we can transfer that last frostie.

Just tired of it all now. My docs have reduced my thyroxine 3 months ago and suddenly I’m ill, struggling to sleep, having weird cycles, and my grey hair has doubled! Feels like a mountain against me. I hope you can get your next cycle started very soon xx

GiantPanda profile image
GiantPanda in reply to Orla9298

That's amazing of your sister to offer, and lovely that she's pregnant but it must be difficult for you with the waiting. I'm sorry, I didn't know you had thyroid problems; I'm sorry I mentioned my mum. It does sound like you're having a hell of a time. I'm not surprised you are tired of it all. Do make sure you look after yourself. Xxx

Orla9298 profile image
Orla9298 in reply to GiantPanda

Oh don’t worry, I’m fully aware that it’s my thyroid that has ruined my eggs and fertility, it’s old news to me :-)

Thanks for your message, let me know when you manage to get the next cycle off the ground! Good luck with it!xx

GiantPanda profile image
GiantPanda in reply to Orla9298

Apologies for only just replying! I've been flat out busy since Sat. Did you get any sense out of your dr? I've seen that you've made another post, so going to read that now. Xxx

Ash2016 profile image

This happens to me every once in a while. Since coming off the pill 4 years ago my periods were all over the place before settling at 23-25 day cycles. Dr thought short cycles could be another reason for low amh since means I ovulate more often. Last cycle I had 18 day cycle and I thought I ovulated ridiculously early at day 6. I started seed cycling this cycle to see if that might help balance out my hormones. Currently cd18 so we’ll see (although I think you need to be doing it three months to see any difference) x

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