Hi there, after 8 month on clomid my doctor suggested to start a new treatment to ovulate (I have PCOS and ttc) with Menopur while I wait for IVF. This was the first month and I was monitored almost daily until follicle was triggered at 18mm. I was triggered last Friday and on Sunday I started spotting. I looked online and thought it was ovulation spotting (although I never had that before) however I’m a still spotting a week after! Is very little (dark brown) and it seems to be mainly in the morning, but it does happen everyday. I have no idea what this could be! Has anyone experienced this before? And does that mean that it definitely didn’t work?? Any help will be massively appreciated
Spotting day after ov for the past week! - Fertility Network UK
Spotting day after ov for the past week!

Hi there, I don't know I'm afraid, but bumped this back up to see if anyone has an answer! X

Thank you! X
Unfortunately it could mean any number of things. Is this the first time you have ovulate in a while? It could be that your progesterone levels are struggling a little with the change in circumstance and this may ease out over a few cycles. It could mean that your progesterone levels need addressing too, but don't let this worry you until you've had several cycles of spotting (difficult to hear when you've been ttc for so long anyway, but please don't let this stress you unnecessarily at this point). It could be that an ovarian cyst has popped. It could also be that your cervix is irritated and bleeding a little. There is a possibility this could be implantation spotting, but this is unlikely so soon after ovulation I'm afraid.
The good news is that brown blood is old blood. The reason you are mainly getting it in the morning is due to gravity and pooling overnight. Please don't let it stress you too much this month but make a note of it. Look for a trend first, as fertility doctors won't do anything about this now. But it would be worthwhile mentioning at follow up appointments, especially as it might make a difference to post transfer treatment with IVF. I hope this is just a one off and your next cycle is perfect. X

Thank you so much for your reply! I just spoke to my nurse who said my projesterone result was nearly 45 so it might not be this that is causing the spotting.
I will just wait until Friday and do a pregnancy test although not feeling very hopeful.
I will make sure I’ll mention this to the doctor on my IVF appointment at the end of March.
I’m trying to keep positive and not let these things affect me. Since I started the treatment 9 months ago every single month there was something different so I guess this is just one of those.
Thanks again! X
hi dear sbevms hope you are hanging on there!I dont have an answer for you except that I had bleeding like brown spotting on the 8th day after transfer and on the 10th I got my period ..so sad for me but I'm over it now. wish you the best of luck dear just keep hoping and have faith in God keep me posted XX