Been on the copper coil it had moved so has been removed tomorrow will be days 6 of no period coming my nipples really hurt I am hungry all the time and get a funny metallic taste in my mouth had a pregnancy test yesterday which was negative been told not to test until another 3 weeks really worried how my partner will take the news of a pregnancy xx
Am I pregnant : Been on the copper coil... - Fertility Network UK
Am I pregnant

I wouldn't say there's no way you can be pregnant but the chances are slim. The symptoms could be PMS you never know and the period might just be delayed because of the withdrawal. Though copper coil isn't a hormonal contraceptive it could still give you some delay as the regular cycles are getting back to natural hormonal control. Wait for a few days and if the AF doesn't show up you can get an HPT to check if you're pregnant.
Thank you it messes with your head a little as wondering what is going on with my body only had coil out yesterday xxx
You're welcome! I can totally understand. In both the cases when you're trying to conceive or you're trying to avoid conceiving (which I assume was your case) you need to be watchful all the while. And even the slightest symptoms could be ambiguous ... it's up to you to sort through.
Thank you I want more children I have a 4 year old daughter just not sure where partner stands as sometimes he says he wants them other times he doesn't xxx
Oh no no I wasn't judging you or anything. Even if I have struggled to have children of my own over my infertility I totally agree it's choice when and how many babies you choose to have. One should have when they are ready... both of them. I just presumed you weren't on TTC as you had a Copper T inserted for contraception.
I had my daughter through ivf my x partner had fertility problems it took me 7 years to get her I donated half my eggs to another lady who has a 4 year old daughter too if I could help you I would hunny I know your not judging me I had the coil put in 15 months ago as it was the start of a new relationship and it ended up hanging out of me which to me happened for a reason talia keeps asking for a sister so you never know hunny xxx
Oh that was really sweet and generous of you. Thanks a tonne! I have scar tissues that prevented me from getting pregnant so far. Well, I happen to conceive or able to with assisted fertility but it won't stick. Scar tissue from lap to remove the endometriosis, though that's not the only thing... my cycles have always been whimsical. Well, the latter part was fixed with medication and monitored cycles I assume or else wouldn't have had been able to conceive. I have 2 detected chemicals during my IVF and from the symptoms I know there's more than that. So I guess there's not much that can help me after several failed attempt at IVF. We're not up for surrogacy yet, couldn't make our mind and neither we can fund it for the moment. So we decided to take our time over it and meanwhile go back to the basic TTC in the meanwhile. But thanks anyway... its was huge one.