Hi, I'm new here and I hope you have insights as to what's happening to me right now.
I was diagnosed with PCOS last year September.
I've been taking Metformin since I changed my doctor January this year. I'm not polycystic anymore. I only started tracking the number of days of my cycle when I discovered that I had PCOS. I have had regular cycles since March of this year. 28 days.
I only noticed it when I didn't get my menses for three months. I thought it was just normal to skip menses since my grandma told me that she was like me when she was young.
I went on ultrasounds and my doctor finally prescribed me something to boost my chances of getting pregnant. We found out in the ultrasounds that my eggs were too small. I had an ultrasound to check if my body is responding to the meds and it did.
I'm on my second round of Clomiphene Citrate & Metformin. I unfortunately had my period on the first round. I usually get my PMS symptoms like 2 or a week before my expected menstrual period. I get so irritable, sore boobs, dysmenorrhea, and I think all of the other PMS stuff possible in life but I only got sore boobs a day before my expected period. It's not as sore as before, it's the slightest one ever since I've had my menstruation. Now, I'm 2days late. I think this is the happiest cycle I've ever been because I don't feel anything aside from my slight sore on my boobs.
I'm not so sure if I'm sleeping too much than before because I'm taking Metformin but I started not having any Met's side effects since March this year: nausea, going to the toilet not less than four times a day, and etc. -- I don't know if getting more sleep than the usual now. I don't know if I got to stressed because of wanting to get pregnant and getting my period every month.
I'm really hoping that I am now. I'd be very happy to have my own family but I don't have pregnancy symptoms either. I took a home pregnancy test 3 days ago because I was so eager to know. The 2WW is driving me crazy.
Is there a possibility that I am pregnant this cycle?