Hi all,
Not sure why I’m posting this but as the title says I’m having a second miscarriage in three months.
Had FET in August with a BFP but the 7 week viability scan showed no heartbeat and the baby was measuring a week behind. I miscarried naturally in the middle of September.
At the start of November my period was late and took a test. This showed positive and initially we thought this was hcg from the previous miscarriage. Miraculously this was a natural pregnancy (after 5 years of trying and two rounds of ivf). 7 week scan showed a heartbeat.
Last Thursday I started spotting. I got lots of reassurance from searches that this was normal. Midwife said it was normal and EPAU said it was normal. I think part of me knew something was up and when spotting turned to bleeding on Sunday it was confirmed that there was no heartbeat again. I have miscarried naturally again.
I can’t quite put into words what this is like. Beyond devastated? I really thought this was our time but then I guess life just isn’t fair.
I guess I just wanted to share.........