My daughter is 38+3 and her maternity care has been terrible. She has phoned her midwife today and complained about today and has asked about being induced at 40 weeks. She has got an appointment tomorrow to see a consultant. Any advice on how we should handle this tomorrow because it seems to us that most areas induce at 40 weeks for ivf apart from Sheffield. We just want him out safe and sound xxx
Rules on being induced : My daughter is... - Fertility Network UK
Rules on being induced
Good luck not long now. I was allowed to go over in my area too and had my LG at 41+5 weeks after being induced as per their normal maternity protocol. I suppose all you can do is ask. It would be interesting to hear what they say xx
Well I’m going with her so let’s see what we can sort between us. This baby has cost us £15000 and we are so scared that things can go wrong even at this stage xx
Its great your going. It’s gives that extra push to what you want. I wish I hadn’t been allowed to go so over to be honest. I was worried every single day that something would happen and we wouldn’t get our baby. I think if we were able to have another I would be more brave about saying how I feel xx
Hi- are you 38 weeks from her transfer date? (Which is 40 weeks normally)
Or 38 weeks according to traditional gestational calculations
I'm surprised they aren't keen to induce as these days they Rarely let you go 10 days post due date.
If the baby is healthy and no other warning signs I wouldn't worry excessively but do ask the consultant about plan A,b and C. And risks of each.
Good luck
38 weeks according to normal calculations. They said he measured 9 days bigger at the last scan but because he is ivf the wouldn’t bring the days forward unfortunately . Her first baby was 10 days late and even then labour only started after her 3rd sweep. Her tummy is huge and she is struggling now bless her xx
AHH I see.
Well with IVF they know the exact age of the baby rather than guessing and allowing for a few days either side of due date.
So in reality she is only 36 weeks.
Have they actually refused to induce at 40 weeks?
Hopefully given her past history and if the baby is quite large already then they will agree to 40 weeks -
Good luck
As a rule they don’t induce at due date but we are going to ask . She hasn’t even seen a midwife for 2 weeks and her next appointment is the day before her due date xx
Not all areas of the country induce early because of IVF. My sister is in London and they’ve no plans to induce her and they also left her due date as her IVF date (despite baby measuring bigger). Whereas I’m in Leeds and they brought my due date forward by a whole week due to size measurement at 12 week scan and want to induce me at 40 weeks based on revised date not IVF date. It’s crazy how everyone does it differently!
I would say that if she wants to be induced then push for it and go armed with evidence of other areas inducing IVF ladies and the research which supports the need for early induction. Failing that then things I tried last time round to get mine to come before my induction date (he came on my revised due date which was 2 days before planned induction) were lots of sex, lots of walking, raspberry leaf tea (needs to build up in system so if she’s now 38 weeks then start drinking straight away) and acupuncture. Good luck!
Well we have been today and it’s was all good. They’ve given her a sweep and a scan, sorted another sweep out for the 28th if nothing happens and then they have booked her in fur an induction on the 29th. She is already 2 cm dilated xx
How is your daughter getting on? Hope she's ok xx