Woohoo! First Clexane injection done ... - Fertility Network UK

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Woohoo! First Clexane injection done and no bruising!... yet? UPDATE: cocked it up today! 😢

Saya85 profile image
27 Replies

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Update today:

As predicted the second night I cocked it up;

Lubion was painful everywhere injabbed hit a blood vessel.

Same with Clexane the needle itself was hurting (although I jut realised now I didn’t check which way the needle was slanted)

Hit a blood vessel then tried again and as I pushed towards the end it just popped out and spilled onto my skin. Had to jab again just to get final bit of dose in! So that was a screw up. No obvious bruising still but this isn’t gona be a fun ride 😢


So after no real advice from the clinic I’ve just had to work out what to do with the injection.

Panicked that I couldnt even take the cap off!

Read some advice on here too- and tried putting in abdomen but I felt resistance and pain as soon as I pushed it in- knew I’d hit muscle/blood vessel.

Then tried inner thigh- killed just putting it in !

Retried abdomen And found that the lower rolls of fat were much easier to pinch (just above underwear line. Much easier putting in and I did it slowly- could feel it stinging slightly but managed to slowly inject and then pull out. Pressed on it after/ Tiny bit of redness but no bruising! And no pain after

Thank God! Was so worried that if it went wrong I’d have no support and I didn’t want to be in pain all weekend. Hopefully tomorrow will go just as well.

The pic shows a scar at the bottom from my laparoscopy - the slight pink areas above are from the Clexane and lubion

The things we have to do! 🙃

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Saya85 profile image
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27 Replies
Music1 profile image

So glad you're getting on with them. We had some clexane injections that had a needle guard that came down after you'd finished injection. I found they stung like a b**ch. We were then told by chemists to try a different one. They look more normal, still have a slight after sting but are sooo much better. I also tried my thigh.... never again. I was worried about these too. No advice from clinic, or chemists. So we alternate, clexane left hand side in morning, Lubion injection right hand side evening and then alternate. Turning into a human pin cushion :)

So pleased you've got over the initial hurdle with them. Took me a week to be honest as my other half was/ is doing them. I can do the odd one but would prefer not to look :)

Hope it's going well. x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Music1

Haha thanks music1. Glad I’m

Not the only one in this boat but how ridiculous we have to fend for ourselves.

I’ve taken Clexane and lubion together in the evenings- is it advised to take them apart? I will alternate sides though too.

My husband is completely medically oblivious and scared of needles! I barely managed to get him in to watch me and give me moral support- he would not be able to cope putting them in for me lol. I don’t think I’d want him to either!

Fingers crossed it works! 🤞

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to Saya85

Wasn't advised by anyone in all honesty. What with all the injections, cyclogest and everything else including Levo in the evening at 11pm I just figured I'd space them out.

Every alarm on my phone is set for a medical thing... such as Lubion, Clexane, Cyclogest, Patches etc. Basically I don't have a life... my other half has reminders set for concerts, work, Christmas party etc.

My other half likes injections (although he won't let me jab him for 'shared sympathy pains'). I think he likes to feel like it's his 'man job'.

Fingers crossed for both of us. I've got such a HUGE sharps bin on the go at the moment. I look like a junkie :) Any advise for Restless Leg Syndrome? I used to get it before this, and took a Tramadol 50mg to knock out the pain so I could sleep. It's been sooo bad for around a week and some evenings I've been awake from 1:30-5:40am in morning when I decided I wouldn't take one (tramadol) just in case. I was pacing round the living room, stretching and everything. I get so tierd I end up crashing out during the day.

Oh, I did have a TSH test (hope get results on Monday). I told her I was pregnant and she said well hopefully it will be 'normal' then. I said 'what's normal for pregnancy?' and she said '4'. I mean seriously. I've decided to ask for a print out and post the results on here. She's clueless. Thank god we do out own research and have this site x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Music1

4! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Did you have free t4 done too? Remember that’s the important bit for the baby.

Lol@your OH. Glad he feels that way- I’m exacting my revenge on hubby as we speak. He’s been at home with a hameotoma for the past week already so I guess he’s suffered enough so far.

I accidentally locked my sharps bin! Will have to get another soon- filling up fast.

Lol@reminders ! I should do that too- I just drew up a calendar so I knew what I was taking when and make sure I tick it off as I go along! I usually have a good memory but time wise I sometimes get delayed.

Aww I know it doesn’t feel like we have a life but that’s why I prefer most of meds in evening and some spread through day. At least in evenings I can relax without having to rush anywhere and take meds quickly.

Go set a reminder for something fun! You can take tablets with you - don’t let it consume you xx

Funnily enough I was just going to msg you about supplements and magnesium!

Great for restless legs and anxiety. I either take magnesium salts in bath which really relaxes me or the magnesium oil I rub on my legs when I get that feeling.

You should take it for calcium

Absorption alongside vit D as both needed for best results.

If you take vit k2 though apparently it can interfere with Clexane so double check.

Also b12 deficiency can cause pins and needles and tingling sensation in legs and arms. Def give magnesium spray a try- I use the ‘better you’ brand- it’s brilliant and safe to use in pregnancy - pharmacist sister recommended it for nerve cramps and restless legs during pregnancy.

Be careful with tramadol x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Saya85

Hope above reply re:magnesium and restless Legs didn’t get lost in the notifications lol.

It’s getting confusing for me now too-

Will stick to PM with you x

Paris1771 profile image

Well done! Happy to c u could do it successfully!

Remember always the first time is the most difficult one! Then man gets used to it! So for sure u will do the rest easier!

Maby mine will be started in a few months too!

Good luck and take care! xxxx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Paris1771

Thank you. I have replied on your previous post about fibroids and hepArin also- word of caution

Good luck to

You too x

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Saya85

Oh thank u so much ! I’ll check it!

Good luck lovely you have got this xx all the luck in the world

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to

Thanks! I’m not averse to needles and things but all the scare stories of pain and bruising on here got me worked up. Now even if I find it difficult next time at least I know I can do it properly too!

Tugsgirl profile image

Well done you!! I’m about 9/10 days in and my stomach is black. It always is on clexane/heparin. I even have a bruise that’s spread into my belly button ( I thought I had a dirty belly button 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ )

Keep up the good work xx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Tugsgirl

Lol that doesn’t sound nice (!)

I believe about an inch from bellybutton is still quite tender. A little further down/to the side should be less painful. Give it a try 🙂

I have a tiny bruised spot where I tried to put into my thigh- thank gooodness I didn’t keep pushing there.

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Saya85

I’m running out of spaces to try 😂😂 We were told about 5cm from belly button in a “smile” This is the third time I’ve used clexane. It’s always the same for me 🤷🏻‍♀️ xx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Tugsgirl

Oh no.

I’ve probably spoken too soon and will be black and blue by tomorrow too (!)

We are warriors 💗

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Tugsgirl

Tugsgirl just make sure they do regular full blood counts for you- I’m bruising and rebleeding much less since they realised I need iron tablets and I’m sure it’s the blood thinners that have done it. My haemoglobin levels are normal but some kind of binding factors were too high.

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

I don’t even know where to start yet Lizzie. Tommy’s/Birmingham women’s hospital said they’d take care of me if I got pregnant again so I’ll ring the numbers I have tomorrow and take it from there I guess.. it’s all a bit overwhelming atm xx

Well done.

Your leaflet that comes with the medication should show you the safe areas to inject- I think you’ll find you should try outer thigh not inner. When injecting in stomach make sure you stay below tummy button and at least two inches away from it x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie


Yes I’d heard about outer thigh but it was such an awkward angle and my fingers kept slipping. The leaflet didn’t show any appropriate areas to inject although I saw some info online. Clinic didn’t tell

Me either.

So thankfully from own research and a bit of instinct I Managed to work it out in the right place.

That’s reassuring that you mention to do below belly button also- it does seem less sensitive in that region all round

Thanks 🙂

Flimzee profile image

Well done! I had the flip down needle guard version and they stung like anything mostly, although after a few weeks I got the hang of it. Then the odd one would always sting but it was only occasionally. Bruising wasn’t too bad, just little dots where the needle had gone in... Hope the next ones go well and good luck with it all xxx

Jayney40 profile image

Try pinching the area quite hard under belly button then put it in like a dart and slowly inject then wait for 10 seconds before removing. I was doing it slow and it was painful, then a friend told me that way and it’s so much better!

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Jayney40

That sounds about right. I did inject slowly only because I was worried about clipping a blood vessel- which I did in the first two tries! It was hard and painful to push in.

But thelast Go was much easier so now I know where to place it I will try the above method. I saw videos where the nurse just stabs you with it and that looked scary! Lol I’m Sure by the end we’ll all Be pros 🤣👍🏻

Daddu1 profile image

U can put ice before injection. U will feel no pain

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Daddu1

Thanks! I had an ice pack ready but actually no pain surprisingly after, apart from a mild heat/prickling sensation I used to get from cetrotide too.

I kept checking to make sure it wasn’t bruised and then wondered if I’d done it right since no pain.

I will see how it goes tonight


Daddu1 profile image

Good 🤔

Qwerty2018 profile image

Hey Saya85. I’m also on lubion injections and clexane at the moment. They’re not great (found all the stims way easier!). My trick is to inject into the fleshy, fattier part of my outer thigh, just below my hip. I also cross my legs to do it. I gently pinch and inject as s..l..o..w..l..y as I can. It literally takes me well over a minute or two to inject all the fluid. I’ve found the slower I inject, the less pain there is. Also I make sure to get absolutely all the air out of the lubion needle as this creates pressure & makes it more painful. Bruising is totally normal, especially due to the blood thinning effect iof Clexane. Keep going!!! You can do it!

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Qwerty2018


My first attempt was too smooth

After my second attempt was so painful I started using an ice pack on skin before hand and it seemed to do the trick!

I always point the eye of the clexane needle towards the floor and seems to work much better - I've realised because the needle is thicker you have to pierce the skin quite quickly otherwise it's painful and then slowly push it in and inject. I don't think I would last a minute though- too impatient !

Luckily only a couple of tiny spots of bruising around some injection sites- others perfectly clear.

I found the angle of thigh more difficult to begin with and stuck with stomach but I might try thigh again. Part of me is worried it's not absorbing properly and hence no bruising !

We shall see - were off to transfer today 😊

Thanks for your tips x

Qwerty2018 profile image
Qwerty2018 in reply to Saya85

Amazing, best of luck with the transfer 💪 🌟

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