I don't want this post to frighten or upset anyone but just to make them aware not to let anyone play down your morning sickness and tell you it's normal if you are being more sick than usual. After having a couple of days off work I was hoping to go back in yesterday but after waking quite a few times in the night feeling extremely nauseous I went to the bathroom as I knew I was going to be sick. This time I noticed quite a bit of blood in it,more of a pool (Sorry if tmi) whereas before there was only a tiny blob. After calling the doctor they told me to go straight to a and e where they said I had strained my throat too much and as the ketones in my urine sample were very high I needed to be put on a drip for 6-8 hours and be given antisickness medication as I was too dehydrated. It was a long and slightly scary day (they had huge difficulty fitting a cannula due to my tiny veins) and I was finally let go at midnight after having several more urine tests to ensure the ketones had gone. I know sickness is normally part of the pregnancy package (and i'm not complaining about it, i'm very blessed to have gotten to this stage) but if you are being really sick and struggling to keep food and fluid down, please don't ignore it or let others convince you it's normal. Oh, and avoid the chastising I got from the midwife who informed at 11pm last night that you should always carry your maternity notes everywhere with you just in case- despite all my hospital appointments no medical professional had ever told me this so be aware, keep everything on you at all times. Best wishes and good luck to you all no matter what stage you are at in your journey. Xx
*sensitive post* Warning do not ignor... - Fertility Network UK
*sensitive post* Warning do not ignore extreme morning sickness.

Oh goodness that sounds horrible. Hope you are feeling better soon 😘 xx
How scary for you! I hope you’re feeling much better this morning. I know you’re grateful to be where you are and no one could see this as complaining. Thank you for the warning to others. Rest up xx
Oh no, you poor thing, sounds horrendous. Well done for sticking to your guns and getting it checked out. Hope you feel better soon xx
Thanks for the reminder *goes off to find maternity notes before leaving the house* it’s my first day on maternity and although I knew you should take them places I’d of forgotten today! Hope you feel better soon, I’m so lucky I got put on meds day 1 before I got to dehydration stage xxx
Oh wow. How scary. I am so glad you are ok and able to share this. Definitely one to look out for. I hope you feel 1000000000 better today xx

Thank you. I didn't want to turn into a big deal as I didn't want to sound ungrateful but I was getting so tired and felt rough. It was only the shock of seeing so much blood I thought I should get checked again. Glad I told the doctor xx
We are all so glad you told them too x
Bless you. Not nice for you at all.
You're right, no one should ever play down someone else's symptoms and make them feel like it just be expected as part of pregnancy.
I hope you start to feel Beyer soon. Xxx
Oh no, you must have been feeling absolutely awful! You poor thing. I hope you are beginning to feel a bit better after the drip. Hoping that the sickness wears off as your pregnancy continues. Take good care of yourself xx
Oh yes, not only every appointment but after about 24 weeks you need to carry them on you everywhere in case you go into early labour. Keys, purse, notes was my mantra. Also after 24 weeks you should have a packed hospital bag just incase that comes along aswell. I refused to carry that about till 30 weeks when I was at home mostly anyway. It lived in the car.
Hope you feel better soon. Nothing in pregnancy is 'normal'. As you progress any change in movements etc should be checked out immediately. Think i was in about 5 times for reduced movement and once for a urine infection after the 25 week point.
Might be good to put this up in the nct group. The non ivf women could probably use a heads up aswell.
Take care, sending get better hugs xxx
Sounds awful. Hope you feel better! I was terrible at remembering my maternity notes though no midwife gave me that much of a telling off! Did you get a Bounty pack? I found carrying them in that made me remember. It was like an easy to grab bright folder and I kept it right near the porch!
Best of luck with the pregnancy and I hope the sickness abates!
Goodness, hope your recovering ok