Does continually having the Endometri... - Fertility Network UK

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Does continually having the Endometrial scratch without ivf happening (when you already have Adenomyosis on your womb) cause problems?

Music1 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all, I know I have a 13cm Adenomyosis on the back of my womb. It's been confirmed after years of scans. I have had the Endometrial scratch 3 or maybe 4 times now, and had quite a lot of pain following - only to be told each time my IVF cycle is cancelled as my blood work was no good.

I know this time my TSH has come back within range, but I'm worried about having another Endo scratch... when the others have been done for nothing. Do they/ can they cause any long term problems internally or for implantation etc. I'm just worried about having this done for 'nothing' when it's always cancelled.

Thanks in advance. Would appreciate any feedback. I've a scratch... maybe no 5 booked for Friday and I'm quite tearful and worried.

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Music1 profile image
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14 Replies
Jmaw profile image

That must be so frustrating having it cancelled all the time, I bet you are livid! No wonder you are emotional at the moment honey. Maybe you could ring somebody for advice at your clinic? I personally would be worried too as the scratch is indeed intentionally damaging your inside so your body heals it, and this is supposed to enhance implantation. BUT having it done four times is rather a lot in my opinion and I would guess (although I’m no expert) could in fact harm you I would think. It’s a tricky one, but you definitely need to talk to someone professional before you allow them to proceed. Good luck 💕

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to Jmaw

Thanks for replying Jmaw, I guess I've just had a bit of an emotional day or two.

The clinic have done this 4 times now. I got within 2 days of a transfer with a perfect lining and they decided to test my TSH last minute (presumably thinking it was nothing) and then it came back positive. I was livid then. The 2-3 weeks of injections, scans, scratch and everything else. I always say to them "only if the ivf will go ahead" and then I get an email around a week later saying it's cancelled. I've now said they don't have permission to take my blood anymore.

As much as I just want to get this FET over and know an outcome so I can get on with my life, I also worry if they are doing any damage with possible repeat scarring? He tells me it's nothing, but I don't think men would have this procedure done for fun. It's tough when they just cancel.

Wondering how you're doing :) Have you heard anything?

Jmaw profile image
Jmaw in reply to Music1

Yes Music1, I got in touch yesterday and the admin social worker who is really nice replied. He said he will be in touch soon when he’s spoken to his manager. Thanks for asking lovely 😊

It does seem they are being so insensitive with you. It makes you feel like ‘just a number’ or a statistic doesn’t it! Just go ahead without the scratch my love, just in case 💕

genten profile image

Poor you! How frustrating for you!

I've had one transfer and I didn't have a scratch so I really can't advise. I would give the clinic a call and ask their advice. Xxx

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to genten

Thanks genten, I appreciate your reply. The clinic suggest I have it done to help implantation, then they cancel for various reasons. Each time they tell me "we will def go ahead" and I get told via email. Upsetting. Hope you have more success xx

genten profile image
genten in reply to Music1

I think ladies here have had varying degrees of success with the scratch which is why I have decided against it.

That is upsetting! Is it a private clinic? They could at least call you. Xxx

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to genten

I've heard the same regarding varying success. If it was natural, you wouldn't have a scratch anyhow. I think it depends on the quality of the embryos.

It is a private clinic. They've given us nothing but upset and bad news, so I feel that's why they email and won't talk with us. They called me once and said I was too emotional. I was told "my transfer was cancelled last minute as I had a blood disease and should take my blood tests to the GP asap". Scared the daylight out of me. I thought I'd caught HIV or something and was trying to figure out why. When I asked for more details I was told they wasn't a doctor or nurse and nobody was available to discuss with me. Was so worried I couldn't sleep. It turned out I was hypothyroid. They kept me waiting for the results for about a week.

genten profile image
genten in reply to Music1

Yes I agree ane even then there are no guarantees 😥.

What the hec!? I've never heard of This! Where is their compassion. Of course you are emotional but it is there job to reassure you that they are doing everything they can to get you to your dream.

Oh no no no!! Can you complain? I can understand if you didn't as it's added stress but this treatment or lack of is disgusting. Xxx

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to genten

Haven't had a good experience with them at all. That's why I hope by Christmas we'll be done with them - whether it works or not. If we didn't have FE I wouldn't be going back. We did want to complain but was worried they would tell us to 'not come back'. When they have already taken all your money and are holding the embryos in storage my other half didn't want to 'cause a scene'. I would not recommend them to anyone. Hope you have a better experience. x

Jmaw profile image
Jmaw in reply to Music1

Poor you! It’s outrageous! Yes I agree as soon as ‘it’s all over’ with them, get the hell out of there and complain. Sending big hugs your way 💕

genten profile image
genten in reply to Music1

Really not good.

My clinic have not been great by any means but it's NHS and I am truly grateful. When you're in treatment they are great but when not.... it's like you don't exist and it's so so difficult to get in touch with them. My GP has been a real blessing, he has been so understanding.

I totally get it and in the same situation I would probably stay and keep quiet too.

Thank you. And hoping yours gets better from here on in. Xxx

baby2016 profile image

All my Bfps have been when I haven’t had a scratch! I’ve got this condition too but weirdly my lining stays thin as opposed to thick! My personal thoughts are they don’t make any difference to me and my body is better when it’s left alone so I won’t be having anymore scratches xx

Music1 profile image

Thanks baby2016. Wow, interesting thought that all of your bfps have been when you've left things alone. I'm starting to wonder whether I should do the same. Especially as never any guarantee it will defo go ahead. I've heard it too many times before. My lining usually stays thin as well. I spent nearly £500 on acupuncture in London to get a really think lining last time but they still cancelled it. Many thanks xx

Cinderella5 profile image

I had endometrial scratches for my NHS IVF's at my own choice (one I didnt even get to transfer), was still unsuccessful. I swiftly moved private abroad and I asked my clinic if they advised a scratch and told them I'd had them before. They werent that keen as they said too many in a short space of time was perhaps not the best thing so I left it, I was actually delighted as they arent pleasant as you know. Good luck with what you decide.xx

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