Hi everyone
I'm new to all this and don't usually post to forums about myself, but I'm finding things quite tough at the moment and everyone here seems so supportive so thought I'd see if there was anyone at a similar stage to myself?
I'm 33, ttc since early 2016 with no luck. Been to the fertility clinic, had all the tests and seen the consultant. Basically looks like male factor infertility, but because my OH was drinking quite a lot more than the recommended allowance they've basically sent us away for another 3 months to see if anything changes if he cuts down the alcohol. I just feel so frustrated and helpless because there's nothing I can do now except wait, and I don't know what will happen when we go back. Just feel a little bit upset that if he'd done what he should have done initially we wouldn't be having to wait even longer.
Has anyone else been in this position? I'm pretty sure if his test results don't improve (i.e. If it's not due to alcohol, and just bad luck) they'll refer us for ICSI (consultant mentioned that) but no idea how long that might take. I guess I'm maybe even more worried that if his results improve they might just discharge us and we'll have to try again for another year which might not work! My results came back really good but I'm pretty aware that the longer this process takes, the older I'm getting and my fertility will start to decline, leaving us with issues on both sides!
Sorry for the long post. Would love to hear from people who are at the same stage or who have been through similar to give me a bit of reassurance that I'm not alone! x