Hi everyone, feeling really negative and emotional. Need some advice. Iv had a failed ivf previously with a blastocyst grade 3bb. This ivf i had 6 follys on my right side. As left side doesnt work. 3 fertilised. 2 made it ...after 3 days told me my embabies were ok one at 7 cell and one at 8. Then to my shock saturday went in for transfer... both not at blasto stage. One nearly. One not! With fragmentation. Told i have the option for two at first i thought wohoo. Then more iv thought about it. Its upset me as i no my blasto never worked. So how on will these poor embreyos survive. Iv had a few cramps not enough for tablets. But dont no if its pessaries!! As 3 times a day. Help someone tell me if theres hope! Thanks
Feeling negative after transfer, slow... - Fertility Network UK
Feeling negative after transfer, slow emby

Miracle do happen. You and me don’t know everything. Our knowledge is limited. Believe in ur self. It will happen. B positive
fingers crossed for you
Grading is being used less and less as studies are showing not a lot of correlation between the grade and the final outcome. Some clinics in America are even getting success with embryos which would have historically been discarded. Please try not to panic about this. Focus on staying calm and visualising your little stars implanting and snuggling ready for development over the next 9 months.
Big hugs xxx

Really i never knew this. This has cheered me up. Aw thank u Hidden as its a worry and i never even took photos of them before i wentbin as felt really disheartened xxxx
Sorry you're feeling like this.
Don't get caught in grading of embryos. You have absolutely got a chance. Xxx
Thank u have u been in a similar position xxxx
I've not I'm afriad, I have just recently had a bfn from my first cycle, I did a 3 day FET.
On here you'll hear of the successes though.
The embryos do better when they are back in your body where they belong. Doctors can only advise on the research they have done to date but are not always right.
Don't give up hope yet .xxx
Try not to get too caught up in the gradings. Our embryologist said he'd seen both success and failures will all different gradings, some very poor ones. Its really just a number. Ive had failures with some really good embryos. In my opinion its just massive lottery! Wishing you luck!xx
Thanks. I wish our doctor and embryologist told me this. I sometimes dont think they realise how much we all want this. I just had such a negative mind thinking if a blastocyst fails what chance have these got x
I think it was only because we were so foccused on failure and were asking if we had any chance that we had this conversation when we didnt have brilliant blastocysts to be fair. I guess its not something they would routinely say and I think you're right they dont get it.....but then how could they, the only people that know what we go through is us really! Big hugs, really hope you get a good surprise!xx