I had my 4th FET on Friday and iv not had any symptoms yet. My last FET ended in chemical but I had all the symptoms I had on my first fresh cycle which ended in my son (he’s 4). I knew from these symptoms that something had happened so wasn’t surprised when I got my BFP (which later turned negative after 48 hours of testing positive). I particularly remember the sharp twinges 1-2 days after transfer but this time around I haven’t felt these twinges so I’m thinking it’s already not worked 😔. I have had headaches on and off and sore boobs but each time iv really relied on these sharp twinges to keep my thoughts positive. Sounds silly I know but on my failed rounds I knew they hadn’t worked because I didn’t get these symptoms. This is my last embryo so our last chance and it’s making me so anxious and terrified. I know that these symptoms can be mimicked by the meds but I feel like I know the difference now particularly after having 2 BFP and 3 negatives. Looking for some reassurance of those who have had no symptoms at all but got a positive. I want to add that this is the first one that iv added Lubion in so I’m wondering if this would change the symptoms at all as that’s the only change from previous protocols. Thanks I’m advance xx
2WW - feeling negative :(: I had my 4th... - Fertility Network UK
2WW - feeling negative :(

I had no symptoms at all and had 2 BFP. Absolutely no idea that they would be BFP, in fact had no symptoms until about 5 weeks. Good luck x x 🍀🍀🙏🙏
Aw thanks. For me the only positives iv had have had symptoms so I’m just really anxious as I feel the same as I did with my negative results 😞. I’m really not coping well this time around. Perhaps because it’s my last one 😢. Do you mind me asking if you had sore boobs at all on your positives?
I have had a son a few years ago via FET and at least 4 chemicals/miscarriages at various stages and a missed miscarriage and I absolutely could have bet my house on a negative with my FET in June. I had no symptoms at all, not even sore boobs despite being on a tonne of progesterone. I tested day 8 so that I could have a cocktail on holiday and move on with my life. It was a strong BFP! I’m currently nearly 14 weeks. Honestly the symptoms mean nothing I’ve had them so strong just to see the line fade or it be a negative. I knew with my missed misscarriage pregnancy by day 4 that I was pregnant, it felt like I was pregnant my boobs were sore I had twinges and craved fruit juice etc. this one I had nothing until nearly 7 weeks! Don’t give up hope yet you are still early lovely 🤗 xx
Hi Twiglet, I remember you from previous posts. I just want to say thank you so much for your message of reassurance. It really does help in these situations. Congratulations also. I really hope things are progressing well for you.
I am so anxious this time with it being our last embryo. When I had my chemical In July I just knew I was pregnant.. I’d only ever been positive before which resulted in my son and I felt exactly the same. Sharp twinges, headaches, sore boobs, high temp etc. This time it’s nothing and I’m 4dp5dt and usually I feel these symptoms straight away. I’m trying so hard to stay positive but when you’ve only ever experience a positive with these symptoms it’s hard not to think the worst ☹️. I hope I’m as shocked at you on test day and I get my positive and it sticks 🤞🏻. We want this so badly not only for us but for our son who is longing for a sibling xx
I had no symptoms in my 2ww and still have no sickness at 7w 5 days and I’m pregnant with twins both have heartbeats but are measuring small but I think this might be a sonography error because my uterus is retroverted. I tested positive on day 7pt. I think my body has adapted to all the meds etc. and I feel fine if I don’t get thirsty. X
Aw congratulations on your twins. That’s amazing.
Iv never felt sick either during the 2ww but iv always had headaches, sore boobs and sharp twinges whenever iv had a positive. Without these symptoms it’s hard to remain positive and I’m really thinking the worst now. Everytime iv had no symptoms it’s been negative x
Hi Did you make a test?
Hey, yes I did and I’m still in shock that we got our BFP this morning 🥺. Although line isn’t that dark (picture attached) and I do know that having a positive comes with a new batch of worries but for now I’m trying to just relax and have faith 🤞🏻. Sending lots of love and positivity to all the others on this journey xx
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Congratulations! 😘
I had negative b-hcg result (<2) on 9th day after 3 day embryo transfer. I was really dissapointed.
My ivf doctor told me to continue the terapy till 14th day..... I am now 11dp3dt and not optimistic. Are there chances after negative beta to have bfp? 😢
Thank you 😘.
Oh it’s such a rollercoaster. Bless you. I have always tested on my test date and have never had blood tests so I’m not sure i can answer your question sorry! It might be that on day 9 the hcg was low but it might have gone up now after 48 hours 🙏🏽. I really hope so. Have you done a test ? X