Hi everyone, am currently on 2WW had my transfer Saturday and am 4 days in. I am having cramping pains and just wondered if this is a good sign? I know this may sound like a silly question, but if its not embryo implantation pains why do we get them? I am on progesterone pessaries 2 times daily, could it be these making me feel this way? Trying not to get my hopes up but really want to think its all good for little Emby. Also I had a bad day yesterday as one of our family pets died. I spent the afternoon crying and was up in the night. I know I should try and stay calm but I just cant help it xxx
4dpT5Day blastocyst Emby transfer - a... - Fertility Network UK
4dpT5Day blastocyst Emby transfer - are cramping pains normal?

Hi lovely,your body is going through so much at the moment. I had & still have pain/cramps/shooting pains/feeling bloated....try not to worry. Make sure you rest when you need to.
The pesseries are doing their job but may feel like AF - it's do hard to know what's going on in there!
Take care & find something to take your mind off it - boxsets have been my saviour recently!!! Xxxx

Hi Pumpkin, thank you for your advice, I had a sleep this afternoon on the couch after watching some Columbo, I think you are on to something here xx
Glad to hear it! Get rest & try not to worry (easier said than done I know) look after yourself xxx
It could well be a good sign but nothing is certain in this roller coaster ride. I'm so sorry about your family pet. What horrible news. Have you tried listening to any relaxation/meditations? I've used headspace and the Zita West ones. The latter being more specific to the process. Maybe worth a try to give yourself some downtime x
Hope you're feeling better today. Xx
Hey Hun I had/having them still now and I'm roughly 5 weeks going by internet dates lol, I started getting them pretty much straight away. It's so hard cause you constantly think it's af but try not to worry it seems normal 😉 xx
Hi thanks so much for your kind words, it was sudden and quite a shock. I am feeling a bit better today xxx It must feel totally amazing and surreal to be pregnant xxx My cramps seem to have stopped today...
I'm 8dp5dt today and my symptoms have really dropped ! I had intense cramping the day AF was due ' now I can feel little niggles but barely anything ! It's impossible to tell isn't it !! Xxxx hope your feeling better today xxx
Do you know its weird isn't it you kind of want the symptoms to carry on as it makes you feel like something is going on down there. Can I ask how do you know what day your AF was due? Did you cycle get messed up from the IFV cycle?xxx
I'm on a medicated FET ! I use the "my diary" app to track my cycle and my period would have been due two days ago. My cycle was quite accurate considering the failed ICSI ... My cramping has massively subsided and boobs no longer sore ! have no idea what's going on ! Just so tired ! I'm not going to test I'm not ready for it to be over xx
Ahh ok, I had no down regs, just had the pill to regulate seems strange as my periods are like clock work, the stimms for 8 days. I have worked out that if I had just been on a normal month my AF would actually be due tomorrow. My boobs still sore but not so much, but really so tired I have actually been sleeping during the day for 2 hours which I never do!!. I feel same way, want to test but don't at same time as you want to feel like we still have hope xxx Do you think you will test early?
Am on the same exact boat ... day 4 after blasties transfer. Also feeling cramps and s bit sick 🤢🤢🤢... have a tonne of work to do so keeping busy but doing all my work laying in bed ... 🤞🤞🤞