So after a lot of stressing about not making it to transfer we were told that we had one blasto and a second embryo they are minitoring and will update this afternoon. Again i asked about quality but wasn't really given any information and just told everything is fine. Im sure he said stage 1 blasto but i could be wrong.
I then heard a couple a curtain away being told they had a few blastos and have plenty to freeze and at stages 1-4. Its so awful but their happy laughter made me feel awful and i felt like there was no point even having the transfer. So ridiculous and ungrateful i know.
We went in and all went well. Consultant commented that it was a lovely looking embryo and my abdominal scan all looked good. I feel better now im home but really wishing i could shake off the negative thoughts.
So after what feels like an enternity of waiting i am now officially in the 2ww club. I think there were a few others having transfers today so wishing you all the very best of luck β€οΈ