Hi all. I'm new here. I guess I don't really know how to begin. I suppose I'm here for the same reason as you all. My husband and I have been trying for a baby for 2.5 years and had our first appointment with a fertility nurse last week. She told us our best shot at having a baby is via ICSI due to my husband's sperm count and quality, it's not impossible but would be pretty unlikely for us to get pregnant the old fashioned way. It was a blow, we expected to be offered help because if how long we've been trying but didn't know it would be our best chance. Where we live the CCG funds one shot at treatment and we've no money for more. I have some tests booked in, another internal scan and a HCG x-ray although they're pretty confident that I don't have any issues. Husband had another blood test at the clinic to check his chromosomes, the results of which will take 8 weeks. So on November 1st we have out first appointment with the specialist who will look at all the results and make a treatment plan.
It feels daunting, surreal, like I know how it will end already. Wondering how I can hold onto hope without getting my hopes up, if that makes sense. Thanks in advance for your support xx