Hi ladies. My husband and I decided to start trying for a baby over 3 years ago after our wedding. Looking back, I was probably still in quite a delicate state after the death of my dad 3 years prior but the disappointment of my period coming every month for the first 2 years plus the stress of 2 failed rounds of IVF last year certainly did nothing to help. The frustrating thing was that the doctors could find absolutely nothing wrong with us! At the beginning of this year we decided we'd do one more round and if that didn't work, we'd accept that it just wasn't meant to be. Our marriage was being serious rocked by all the pressure and my anxiety was at a level where we didn't think we could handle more treatment.
Then, about a week before we were due to see the consultant, I was late. No part of me thought I could be pregnant - I just thought it was the stress of starting another round. But I was! I am now 13 weeks pregnant. We had the first scan this week and baby was kicking its legs and high five-ing at us. It was awesome. Most incredibly, our baby is due on what would've been my dad's 67th birthday.
I wanted to share this because I know how rubbish this can be - the emotional roller coaster of treatment, the sadness every time someone announces a pregnancy and you wonder if it will ever be you, trying absolutely everything you can in the hope that it'll be the thing that finally results in the miracle that you so long for....
I'm sending love and lots of baby dust to you all and hope that my story gives you faith that miracles do and will happen xxxxx