Hello all!
We're very much looking at the beginning of our IVF journey, and are feeling a little nervous and overwhelmed right now.
I'm 36 and my partner is 38. We have been trying for a few years, with increasing 'focus' on the actual trying; from just not being careful, to more active cycle tracking, etc. We've been investigated on the NHS (bloods, USS, HyCoSy, semen analysis). The good news is that everything so far seems ok (apart from borderline low sperm morphology), but it leaves us with "unexplained infertility" and we've been advised to start IVF. This would be private as our local area deems us too old for funding.
There are still some lifestyle bits that we can work on. We've reduced alcohol and caffeine, but we could actually cut down further. Our diet is pretty good already, but we've optimised the supplements a bit; thanks for all those who've posted on here previously. And we're really trying our best to think about reducing stress and having better sleep etc (not QUITE so easy, but we'll try).
We're probably thinking we could start the actual process around September time. We feel like this would give us a bit of 'optimisation time', and also I can hopefully reduce my hours at work as of September.
We just have a few questions and were wondering what your thoughts were . . .
1) When you first approach a private clinic, roughly how long is it before you START the actual IVF process? So we know when to start actually contacting places.
2) Will they need to repeat the various blood tests and scans I've already had? My first blood tests were in June last year, and my HyCoSy was only last week.
3) When we actually START, like from the time I have to start taking medications, how often will I need to visit the clinic for scans/bloods/whatever? What is a typical schedule like? I'm just not sure how to coordinate this with work.
Thank you all so much! 😊