Hi all just had my first egg sharing counselling apt, spoke about a few things I also asked about pco as I have this but have been led to think it doesn’t effect ttc, but have been told today that it can, basically because I have more follicles I could be releasing the unmatured ones which is why I’m not getting pregnant, my question is there anything I can do to rid of these ???
Egg sharing counselling appt - Fertility Network UK
Egg sharing counselling appt

I really don’t know the answer to this.
Has your clinic not offered ovulation induction such as clomid as this can help women ovulate properly who have difficulties ovulating? xoxo
I don't think you can get rid of them? Also, why would a counseller give you fertility advice? Xx

We were talking about my stresss of why it wasn’t working naturally and I mentioned i didn’t understand what pco meant xx
I saw private consultant who diagnosed PCOS. My GP is now aware & I’m now taking Metformin & a supplement called Inofolic to help manage it. It’s worth Persuing management for this as it can be a barrier to your fertility for the reasons you describe about releasing immature eggs. Good luck xx
If in your first round of ivf you have a lot of immature eggs collected, it is possible for them to give you a trigger a bit further in advance so that more eggs will mature. I’m not sure about PCO but immature eggs happened to me and that’s what my clinic did- a 37 hour trigger instead of 36.
I have PCO in one ovary, and our consultant told us it would improve our chances as it means there is an increase in follicles every month when I ovulate (polycystic obvs means multiple cysts which can produce eggs - not the same as pcos). He put me on clomid for 3 months to help but this did nothing. I think this was because, despite being told our infertility was unexplained, that it was a mix of female & male issues. Regardless of any problems I had, if my husband had poor sperm then no amount of clomid or other stimulation would have helped. You always have a mix of mature and immature eggs, if you've had ivf or any other type of assisted conception they would usually just discard the immature eggs