BFN: Well after 2ww and ICSI I’m not... - Fertility Network UK

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Emmaxxx profile image
40 Replies

Well after 2ww and ICSI I’m not pregnant. It’s just my luck, my partner and I are the unluckiest people in the world. Everything goes wrong for us. Nothing is ever simple and straight forward. Totally deflated and feeling what’s the point anymore!

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Emmaxxx profile image
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40 Replies
Chatty-chick profile image

Awh hun I'm so sorry. Xxx

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to Chatty-chick

Thank you xx

Abaco profile image

I'm so sorry to hear of your result, just wanted to say to you although things look incredibly bleak at the moment, you will get through it, you will get that all important hope back and you will draw enough strength to carry on and get back on that journey! Take time out now draw your strength from your partner and us on this board who know exactly what you're going through and have a big cry, all the very best and thinking of you X

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to Abaco

Thank you so much for your reply. It was very kind x

Abaco profile image
Abaco in reply to Emmaxxx

We're all in it together, just remember that x

DanniJones profile image

No ☹️ Don't be defeatist PMA - positive mental attitude and you will get there ❤️ Sooo many success stories on here after many many years of ttc naturally and failed IVF and then when it happens it will feel the most best feeling in the world that all of it was worth going through 🙏🏼 It's not a smooth ride. Where are you doing your ICSI and are you private or funded?xxx

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to DanniJones

I am at the chelsfield park in Orpington. And private. I just knew it wouldn’t work x

DanniJones profile image
DanniJones in reply to Emmaxxx

Fantastic so everything will move faster for you hopefully! How long have you been there for? Sorry for the questions, your profile doesn't have much on it about your process xx

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to DanniJones

Been under them since October 2017. I will need to put something on my profile. Xx

DanniJones profile image
DanniJones in reply to Emmaxxx

And was this your first try at icsi?xx

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to DanniJones

Yes it was. What about you? Xx

It’s natural to feel sad and grieve- don’t beat yourself about it but try not to let it suck you into a “there is no hope cycle”. My first cycle did not work but second did but know even for many people it takes several cycles. Take it day by day and surround yourself with people that love you. Try to do something nice for yourself xxx

So sorry to read this. Sending massive hugs. As others above have said, take time out to heal and become yourself again. You will get the strength although it doesn't feel like it now. Here's hoping they will be able to give you feedback and learn from the round so that next time you will have the outcome you are looking for xx

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to

Thank you x

Niki_B profile image

Aww I'm so very sorry 😢 I know how heartbreaking it is, I just had my first failed ICSI in April and it's devastating isn't it. I'm gearing up for my 2nd and final round next dreading it tbh....and I hate when people say, don't give up, you will get there etc etc...well no not all of us can...if this next round doesn't work that's it for my funding and I do not have the money for another round. Did you have any frosties? Sadly I didnt. Well take care of yourself these next few weeks hun as it's not easy, and I hope you have some really good support to help you through xxxx

Gem5 profile image

I was told by my dr that the 1st round very rarely works as it is kind of a mock round to see how you respond to the drugs ect,,,, they will review this round and make any changes they need to for next time! Don’t feel deflated x

CC2018 profile image

So sorry. It has been said it can take up to 3 cycles to get a successful result. Maybe look into cycle packages to help with the cost. I hope you get your baby but for now take some time for yourself xx

TeenyTiny profile image

So, so sorry to hear your news. It’s such a tough cruel journey 😪 sending you love at this hard time 💕

Caza2009 profile image

So sorry to hear about your BFN - they are so hard to deal with! Take some time out, pick yourself up and surround yourself with loved ones. It’ll take a bit of time, but you’ll get through this and when you’re ready you can decide what the next step for you is.

Sending you loads of love and virtual hugs 💕🤗 xxxxx

Tugsgirl profile image

I’m sorry. Don’t give up on your first attempt though. I know it’s hard, it’s so bloody hard, but pick yourselves up and dust yourselves down and don’t give up yet xx 💪🏻

lorraineb61 profile image

Sorry to hear this. But don't give up - it took us 4 cycles before we got pregnant and each BFN we were convinced thst we couldn't do it again but, somehow you find the strength and courage to do it again. x

Autumnmoon profile image

Sorry this Didn't work for you sending love and hopes for the future x

I’m so sorry. It’s not unusual for first round to be unsuccessful, they can often tweak things in further rounds to give you a better chance. That’s why the NICE recommendations are three rounds. Shame most areas won’t fund three. Please don’t get yourself into the mindset of being intrinsically unlucky- lots of us have been in your position and know how awful it is. It’s not fair. Personally I found it useful to focus on everything I did have after my BFNs and miscarriages. Big hugs.

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thanks Hun. Can I ask, how many rounds have you had and have you been successful? Xx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Emmaxxx

I was successful on my third round but it was complicated and involved embryo testing as we found out that my hubbie carries a chromosome translocation, which was also responsible for two miscarriages. We had a long road but I always held on to the fact that there would be children somehow- our next step was adoption if round three had not worked. My story is all in previous posts x

Sarahlou01 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this but please don’t give up. I’ve had two failed rounds of ivf so know how heartbreaking that bfn is but I am finally 17 weeks pregnant after my third frozen embryo transfer and 10 years of trying for a baby. We felt like the unluckiest couple too and my hubby would have given up trying long ago but I kept hoping! Never give up! Sending you and your partner lots of love 💛

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to Sarahlou01

Congratulations. I am so glad that finally you have your beautiful baby in your tummy. Thank you for your lovely wishes xx

NB610 profile image

Sorry to hear about your negative test, my first round of icsi failed in February, after 4 years of ttc, I felt devastated and felt like nothing would pick me up, I felt like I didn't want to do another cycle because I didn't want to feel like the way I did when it failed, as the weeks went on I came to terms with it and gradually started to feel better. I had frozen embryo transfer in may and I'm now 16 weeks pregnant.

Please stay positive and believe you will begin to feel better no matter how low you feel at the moment.

Sending you lots of best wishes for the future 💕 Xx

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to NB610

Thank you. We don’t have any frozen ones sadly xxx

Melissa11 profile image

Hey, couldn’t read and run, sorry it hasn’t worked for you, I know how your feeling. Thinking of you. 💕

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to Melissa11

Wow run!! You must be for lol. Thank you. Do you mind me asking if you have had a positive? Xx

Melissa11 profile image

I’m afraid not no, 😔but I’m starting again in September got our appointment next week to confirm dates. Will be our 3rd go. Hopefully 3rd time lucky. It’s just so upsetting when it fails. 💕

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to Melissa11

Well I am keeping everything crossed for you. You deserve to have your bundle of joy xxx

Melissa11 profile image
Melissa11 in reply to Emmaxxx

Thank you, I’m sure my time will come, just like yours, let’s just hope is sooner rather than later💕💕. Ha xx

Devj profile image

So sorry to hear this hun. Please don’t give up. Your time will come I’m sure of it 💜 xxxx

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to Devj

I am just so happy for you. Xx

Novice_knitter profile image

Hey Hun, I’m so sorry, this is terrible news, thinking of you and your hubby. This journey is so hard, we all deserve our BFP. xx

Emmaxxx profile image
Emmaxxx in reply to Novice_knitter

I know. It just pisses me off that some people just pop babies out without a care in the world. Our time will come if the time is ever right? X

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to Emmaxxx

I know, it’s not fair. I really hate it :-( xx

Dunla profile image

Hey Emma, just wanted to say I’m really sorry your treatment has ended this way. I also wanted to say that you will get through this. Make sure you and your partner do some nice things together and be kind to yourselves. Take care xx

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