I have Pcos and I have been taking me... - Fertility Network UK

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I have Pcos and I have been taking metformin Clomid and recently Manipur 75

Tishauna123 profile image
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About 8 yeas ago i was diagnosed with pcos at first for years i did nothing as i was told my body was just trying to get back to normal after removing the coil (had it put in after i had my daughter in 2007) so i didnt do anything about it but the older i got i started getting hairs and bumps on my face and i started to realise that i was putting on a lot of weight but it looked like muscle and I hadn't had a period since I removed the coil anyways after laser contraception pills and creams I went back to him and he told me that its probably better for me to not have a period as it will reserve my egg for when i want to get pregnant this way i will have more eggs (really good advice as i have a lot of follicles which I think is due to me not having a period) my gp sent me to a gynaecologist who put me on metformin .....

I met my partner and we decided we want to have a baby it was so hard for me to tell him i have pcos he actually took it very well and supports me considering his culture even though he did seem upset ..i have been going to a private clinic to try and get pregnant. The doctor started me off on pevera to start a period and Clomid on day 3 of my cycle slowly increased the does each cycle I am now on 50mg 2 times a day and she recently put me on Menopur it's so depressing and so far havnt seen a story like mine.

I feel like the doctor as it's a private clinic just wants to do what will make them more money I might be paro I don't know lol but it's taking too long and she don't want to increase my does she says it's a thin line to me having mutipul pregnancy which me and my partner don't mind but she said for medical reasons she won't over do it.

I am now thinking of doing ovarian drilling..

Can anyone advise me of the price and any clinics that do ovarian drilling in the UK.

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