Went for my blood test yesterday waited all day for results to find out that IVF didn’t work I was still so hopeful to the very last minute my husband and I cried all night but woke up this morning wanting to continue we purchased six eggs 3 didn’t make it two used and one frozen hoping and praying
Feeling down :( : Went for my blood... - Fertility Network UK
Feeling down :(

I’m so sorry to hear your treatment didn’t have a positive outcome. I know your hearts are broken today. Be kind to yourselves in the coming days xx
I know how you feel I just did my home pregnancy test on the 4 of July and it was negative to my clinic told me to do the blood test my husband and sister was so hopeful but I knew in the back of my mind that the cycle didn't work. Before the end of the day I got the called that the blood test prove that I wasn't pregnant. Keep the faith and be encourage both you and your husband take the time to love on each other.
I kno how you feel just keep the faith and be strong for each other. Good luck for next time.
I’m so sorry to hear your cycle didn’t work. Sending you loads of love 💕 xx
Im so sorry to read this. It really is a horrendous journey to be on! I got my bfn today but already knew it hadn't worked, but knowing hasn't made it any easier! I'm having a large gin tonight and hope that will help me sleep well. I've already booked us in for our follow up and started thinking about what's next to try and formulate a plan and I suppose this is my way of dealing with things. You still have hope with your remaining egg and I really do hope that it works for you xx
Thank you so much we are scheduled for our follow up appt on the 12 and are going to try another cycle with the one embryo that’s frozen I wanna stay hopeful trying and don’t want to quit I too wish u so much luck and ps that dunk sounds great tonight good idea may follow ! God bless
I'm not ready to give up yet and it doesn't sound like you are either. I hope they have some answers for you on the 12th and may be a new plan going forward to offer some hope. The drink is so good, ive not had any thing for well over a month! But the only problem is its going straight to my head (maybe that's a good thing after today's result 😊) stay strong xx
Sorry about your bfn. It’s really hard. I hope your last embie is the one 🤞 xx
Sorry to hear that your first FET didn't work! You're not alone dear one, I've been through the same and can totally relate. A lot of us failed at first attempt and several others that followed. I didn't have any eggs for a second one though, so yeah, you've got something to count on at least. Well, when I went for round 2 the specialist said that the chance of success over second attempt is more than it in in the first and so did internet and forums.I hope with all my heart that it does work out for you guys!