Hi everyone, I just wanted to vent a little at how I'm feeling at the moment as I am struggling but friends and family just don't seem to understand. It's been roughly two months since our second failed attempt at IVF and I still feel completely gutted, I don't feel I can talk to close people about it as I get the whole "well it was very early on and it wasn't anything at that stage, it's not like you lost an actual baby" I have to try my hardest not to be upset most days and feel like I'm putting on a front all of the time especially when people keep saying how well your coping and how strong you've been when actually I feel anything but.
It also seems that lots of friends all seem to be falling pregnant at the moment and I feel terrible for not being able to be ecstatic for them as it is wonderful news but I just feel sad.
We desperately want to try again in the New Year but finding the money is adding more stress and pressure.
Sorry for going on but I feel like I'm going mad with this going around in my head constantly. Xx