Dreading my follow-up appointment tod... - Fertility Network UK

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Dreading my follow-up appointment today....

8 Replies

Hey guys,

I have been so impatient for my follow-up after failed IVF fresh transfer - but it is todat and I am dreading it now.

I know my clinic messed up my IVF meds in my first round and this clinic is very much 'one size fits all' when it comes to how it treats patients.

I am angry that they messed up and we have to potentially privately fund a cycle because of it.

Everytime we go for a consultation it is a new consultant that is barely aware of our case and scrambling to read out notes

We have 1 embryo in the freezer. But I have been already researching the next cycle as I have no confidence in them for a FET.

Going back in there this morning brings back all our frustrations from our 1st cycle...

Anyone else felt like this with their clinic?


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8 Replies
Kyell2 profile image

Yes, our most recent clinic wanted to do things their way and would not allow any movement from their process.

It would have impacted them in no way to allow us to choose our own donor clinic but they flat refused and so we moved clinic and they have been incredibly accommodating.

If you are paying and aren’t comfortable then do what’s right for you.

Good luck for today’s follow up x

in reply to Kyell2

Yes I agree.

We are NHS if we were paying I wouldn't have continued with the cycle at all.

At our first ever appointment the female consultant suggested adoption, and then subsequent appointments got so many things wrong. I got an invoice for a procedure I never had and flipped so we were given a new consultant.

Now we are on number 3!

Once we are paying I will feel more in control but how unfair that NHS in our case hasn't been to a high standard....


Tugsgirl profile image

Luckily I haven’t experienced this but I want to wish you luck for today xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

Awww thanks.

Fingers crossed this new consultant might be better....


Chantelle89 profile image

So sorry to hear this, that’s awful! What clinic are you at?! It’s hard enough without having that to deal with! It will all work itself out in the end I promise!! We were referred to the wrong clinic originally and that caused me so much upset and stress as they told us to start from scratch with GP! All was sorted in the end thanks to my Husband kicking up a fuss and within a week we were at a seminar at the correct clinic! Thinking of you and hoping all starts to turn itself around! Xx

in reply to Chantelle89

I am scared to say the clinic in case other ladies are also there or waiting to start!

We will see today what they say - thanks to everyone on here I have a list of questions to ask.

Grateful we have free treatment but...frustrated with the standard....

So glad you got to go to another clinic and well done to your husband for kicking off!


abcgirl profile image

I felt the same with mine and it’s NHs but I literally have no other option where I live so bad to stick with it. Every time it was a new consultant. My first experience with the first consultant had me in tears. I always came home so frustrated. Second round they were about to give me the wrong meds. I asked to double check and sure enough, had to go back to get the right ones. I’m pretty sure I had mild OHSS but they never check bloods and so they did a fresh transfer anyway. Every time it’s a different nurse doing the scans. I was really fed up. Felt like there was always something on the verge of going wrong. Luckily we gots BFP on our 1st FET and hopefully I don’t have to see them again for a long time.

in reply to abcgirl

Hope your pregnancy is going well! Remember you told me to call for a cancelation? :)

I just had the appointment and feel a bit better.

He said the chances are good and not loose hope. Good quality embryo etc etc. We had the lead consultant who has 20 years experience as opposed to the last one that qualified in 2017! They are saying I need to self fund progesterone injections as I may need something a bit more hardcore. So happy they are tailoring a bit more to me personally.

Good to hear your positive story coming from a similar clinic!

Having my scratch mid July and then all systems go for August!

Cannot wait to get going.

Hope we have success like you! 💕

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