Hi, we had our follow up last week after our 4th fresh failed IVF cycle (I am 40yrs old). Just before the follow up I had a hysteroscopy which they found and removed a polyp. Then came decision making time:
1. We thought they’d suggest donor egg now and I didn’t know if I was ready for that. I find this a huge step to make, to move away from my own eggs.
2. Due to the polyp we felt we should have another fresh cycle with own eggs. And the consultant agreed. Although they can’t be sure the polyp was the problem. Something has been changed (if only this was done before cycle 4!)
3. Now we’re in a position where we have cycle 5 booked for mid July using own eggs. This is only 6/8 weeks after BFN. Instead of feeling pleased with this outcome I feel scared! Scared of another BFN, of wasting money by not moving to donor egg sooner.
The reason for a quick turn around is due to age, the hysteroscopy counting as a scratch within this time limit and so we can fit in a donor cycle in January if needed.
Anyone else gone through making these very big decisions? I’m so worried about the next step being the wrong one.
If only fertility wasn’t such an unknown world! 🌍 argh......sorry for long post!
🤗 xx