So had my appointment with EPU this morning. They scanned my stomach first and they thought they saw a pulse. I felt sick straight away, but on doing the internal they confirmed no heartbeat and the pulse was actually mine. My sac/placenta etc has carried on growing and is bang on for my dates (would have been 8wks4days today) so am going back to sign the paperwork tomorrow for medical management and get bloods done, with the hope I can have the tablets on Monday or possibly Tuesday and be admitted as then it's after the christening I'm god mother at 😢 I really love my niece and so want to me there but at the same time know it's going to be a hard day and just hope and pray I don't start bleeding naturally before hand 🙏 plus we have joiners in the house at the min which is going to run into next week so with only having a downstairs toilet I really don't fancy doing it at home within metres of where the joiners are 😬
Missed Miscarriage EPU confirmation scan - Fertility Network UK
Missed Miscarriage EPU confirmation scan

I think you have made a sensible choice. Again, I’m so sorry xx
So sorry hun that your having to go through this, thinking of you sending lots of love 💗😘
So sorry to read this, I think medical management will help to begin giving you closure. Your being so brave, remember that xx
Hi Baby2016 I am so sorry to be reading this, I hope that you are ok. Please be kind to yourself xxx
So sorry to read your news, I’m so sorry you’re going through this xx
That is very sad I am sorry to read this and wish you the strength to get through it xxx
This has just happened to me and I really feel wha your going through. I had a D&C on Tuesday and it has been emotionally awful. I found out at my second scan last week babies heartbeat had stopped. The week before it was beating but slowly. Those words will never leave me. I hope your ok and if you ever want to chat I'm here xx
Aww crowpingpongg, I have been thinking about you as remember in one of your posts that it was going to be Tuesday.
I had a d&c with my last one, and was also emotionally drained from it. Take time out to rest and recoup. You will have good days and bad days, slowly it does get easier. Sending you a huge hug and thank you for your kind words xx
Sorry it wasn’t different news for you x
I’m so sorry that this has been confirmed today - I’m sure you’ve made the right decision to go for medical management and am sending strength to you to make it through your niece’s christening this weekend. Xxx
Sending you so much love right now. You’ll find that strength for the weekend. But remember to be gentle and kind to yourself in the days after it and your tablets xx
Thanks Emu - all booked in for Tuesday morning 😬 and being admitted onto the ward for the day which I'm so relieved for xx
So sorry to hear this, sending you love and strength for the coming few days!! I’ve also just gone through the same thing, but opted for surgical management!!
Look after yourself & one day at a time!! xx
Hey so sorry to hear this baby2016 awful to be with. Sounds like u made the best decision for u guys. Not easy at all though a. I’ve Just had a natural miscarriage n is devastating as know so many have experienced. Not make it feel any fairer or easier though a. Take time for u both n take good care xx
Thank you dreamingofbaby. I hope you are coping ok since your Miscarriage and so sorry you've experienced this. If you don't mind me asking I know you opted for the natural route and wondered how long it took you to start bleeding from you finding out and how long did it last for? Hope you don't mind those questions xx
Not at all hun so sorry u going through it to. It is awful. I didn’t really opt for it it just happened that way as had to wait 2weeks for my next appointment with epu and happened before then. Obv diff for all but for me it started with brown discharge then started to cramp with that then turned to blood and got heavier. Then had massive cramp like a contraction which when I pushed the sac out. Was horrible😢. This took a week in all. Was 3days with the bleeding and full process to complete. Then has been light bleeding for a week. As said v diff for all n though not great i know it wasn’t as bad physically as some have it. You do what right for you. I wudve opted for d&c if hadn’t happened naturally before appointment as hated the Wait and not knowing when and what would happen. Least then you know it done. So individual. Do what right for you in this really hard time. Hope this helps. Feel free to pm me. Take good care xx
Thank you for your reply, and hope it didn't upset you having to write that. It's just all so unfair isn't it. I had a d&c with my last MMC, but now I have lining issues so have been advised against another d&c unless absolutely necessary, as don't want to further risk damaging my lining even more, otherwise I'd be opted for that option again as found it ok really, no pain and nothing to remember/see. Thanks again for your reply, I've got a few cramps now and just hoping I hold out over the weekend xx
Thinking of you - what a horrible time you are going through. Stay strong 💪🏻 xxxx
I'm so sorry ☹ Tale card xx
This is so sad, i’m so sorry for your loss. I hope the process is over quickly for you physicslly, i’m Sure mentally it will be another issue - just be kind to yourself lovely. Good luck for the christening, you must be a brave soul 🙏🏻🌈💕🙏🏻🌈💕 xx
I'm really sorry to read this. Please make sure you take time for yourself too. Try to stay strong. Xxx
Ahhh Im so sorry hunny, what a nightmare for you! Sending my love xx
So very sorry, take care of yourself 💕 hugs xx