So after our BFN last Monday and finally feeling better over the weekend we had to pop up to the hospital this morning for a blood test to confirm all the pregnancy hormones were out of my system so we can think about doing a fet.
I found myself sitting in the waiting room really not wanting to be there, I remember all the hope and naivety I had only a couple of weeks ago only to be replaced by anger and sadness.
I think the worst bit was watching a couple come in for their pregnancy blood test and looking so happy and excited ( I think they already new it was a positive) and I found myself feeling resentment and jealousy - how can they get pregnant and not me. How horrible is that?! I really thought I'd made progress over the weekend but now I just want to crawl into bed and hide from the world.
What has taken me by surprise is how worthless I feel now. I feel useless and feel like I'm failing as a woman and a wife. This whole process has really knocked the confidence right out of me and I think that is the saddest part of all.