Hi lovely ladies, after a 4 month break from here and everything fertility related (& xmas & a house move!!) we’re ready to try again with one of our frozen embryos and our first FET cycle. This is day 21 of my cycle so starting with buserelin injections today... This will be our third transfer so praying it’s 3rd time lucky 🍀 for us. And whatever happens we’ve got a holiday booked for after Easter to get away!! Just wondered if anyone had any advice for an FET?? Thanks xx
First FET: Hi lovely ladies, after a... - Fertility Network UK
First FET

I had my First FET on my third round. You can never prepare for the jounery that's ahead but I found it less intense with the meds than a fresh cycle. Look after yourself is my advice, you are the the priority.
I'm now 23 weeks pregnant and I could cry with happiness everything talk about it.
All the best x
Thank you. That’s brilliant news you’re 23 weeks! so it really was third time lucky for you!! This is our 4th go at ivf in total but our third transfer so fingers crossed. I’m taking the usual supplements and have a good diet but just wondered if anything in particular that you ate or drank that’s meant to help? As I seem to have an issue with embryos implanting x
I have a healthy diet in general but on my FET I did all the eating Brazil nuts, ate pineapple core even though I hate pineapple, I drank pomegranate juice All myths I'm sure but It was all part of enchanting my nutrition. I didn't include them when I did my first two cycles.
Work was a big stress factor for me though and I was lucky enough to have a supportive doctor who signed me off from the start of my FET. It was the best thing I did and I think the most impactive because I was able concentrate on looking after myself more.
3 is certainly a magic number for us and we are so thankful and feel so lucky. Stay positive and take care of yourself x
hi blondie, i’m on big third attempt too - due to transfer in about 10 days. let’s hope it’s third time lucky for us both ✨🍀✨
this is my second fet & it’s defo less intense than fresh cycle. no special advice really, just keep well hydrated & rested. i’ve been using a guided mediation & having reflexology to keep me in a good head space (although have had a meltdown this weekend!)
i’m gonna try pomegranate juice, pineapple core & warm feet to assist with implantation. i’d stand on my head out in the snow if it helped!
having your holiday to look forward to is a great idea 🌞
wishing you all the best - PM anytime x
Hey. Best wishes to you! I’ve just completed my first FET after a failed fresh cycle and I got pregnant from it!! Yay. It early days but it a good start for me. I found it generally a less stressful process and so think that helped me. Like others have said in my 2ww I took off a couple days from work straight after transfer and also ate more nuts,pineapple and pomegranate juice every day. Who knows if it helps or as was more relaxed☺️. Very good luck to you!! X
Hi, I’m 11 day’s into my 3rd fresh cycle! Am truly scared as I always start bleeding mid the 2ww.... just want to get the the OTD and see those 2 red lines!
I guess I have no advice as have never done a FET but have just tried to eat a healthy diet and exercise in the build up. I need to start drinking more and am going to try and get some pomegranate juice!
Good luck xxx
Welcome back! My first round was also about 4 months ago. Now in the 2ww of my second round. Never had a FET so can't advise but good luck xxx
Even though you’ve been busy, hope the few months away have left you feeling re-energised for your 3rd go. Wishing you lots of luck xx