Miscarriage 8 / 9weeks. Traumatic. 💔 - Fertility Network UK

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Miscarriage 8 / 9weeks. Traumatic. 💔

Krushby89 profile image
15 Replies

We found out at 8 weeks 1 day that baby had no heartbeat. But was still growing? Due to the nhs being a nightmare. I am still in hospital awaiting a d&c .... I got admitted late Wednesday/early Thursday due to heavy bleeding. I never knew it could be that bad, was scary.... sat in a&e with my legs crossed trying to slow it and the blood started pooling in my lap. Can anyone tell me what to expect after the op ? Will the cramps ease? And will the blood ever stop ? 😐 the nurse said I could bleed for another two weeks 😪 emotionally I’m ok day to day. But when I’m on my own my mind goes crazy 😩 dreading my husband going back to work as he works away so I’m on my own for days/weeks at a time.

Any advice welcome 😕 x

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Krushby89 profile image
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15 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. After your D and C it will all be over. You will bleed from the surgery unfortunately and you will have some tenderness and cramping but you’ll recover much more quickly with the surgery. You’ll be prescribed some strong painkillers. You can do this. I’m sorry that you have to do this but you can do it. You’re stronger than you realise xx

Krushby89 profile image
Krushby89 in reply to Tugsgirl

Thankyou 🙂

I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I had a natural miscarriage at 7 weeks 5 days and I did bleed for almost two weeks but not quite as heavy as it seems you are. I really hope that you are well looked after. Don’t be afraid to ask for whatever you need, be it information or painkillers. Big (gentle) hugs.

I’m so sorry for your loss- what a terrible time you are having.

I can’t comment on the procedure as my miscarriage happened at 4 and a half weeks.

Again I’m so sorry for your loss and wish you a quick recovery ( for the physical aspect) xoxo

E_05 profile image

I’m so sorry to read this, the bleeding will ease after your D&C but there still will be some with cramping. I to hated when my hubby went back to work, still now my mind goes crazy. Remember we are all here for you xx

I'm so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how devasted you must feel. No advice but just wanted to wish you well. Take care x

Cinderella5 profile image

I'm so sorry that you're having to go through this horrendous time! Although you will have residual bleeding after your D & C it should be nothing like you are experiencing beforehand. Thinking of you!xx

Dreamingofbaby profile image

Bless u that sounds so awful for u. So sorry for ur loss. Take good care of u. Take care x

Aleelilook profile image

Like the girls have said after your D&C physically you will feel much better, I actually only bled for a couple of hours after surgery and that was it. Take care of yourself and I’m so sorry, it is such a dreadful thing to happen xx

Caroliono4 profile image

I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this. I've had 4 mcs and my first was so scary. I've never had a D&C so can't give you any more information, however my heavy bleeding and cramping subsided very quickly once I had passed the gestational sac in all cases so I'm sure it will ease after the d&c. I do wish that the NHS would provide more information for us on what to expect with a miscarriage, it's such a scary time and their website is woefully inadequate. Sending you a big hug and hoping you get treated soon x x

Mantaray75 profile image

So sorry to hear you're going through. I had incredible pain and heavy bleeding with my miscarriage. After the D&C the pain was mostly gone. I had light period type bleeding for a couple of weeks afterwards but that was it. x

I am so, so sorry to hear what you're going through. I had unbelievable pain and extremely heavy bleeding with both my m/cs. The 2nd was a missed m/c and I was told it would be like having a heavy period. I have had heavy, painful periods all my life, and the pain and blood loss I experienced was nothing like a period. I really hope you're doing ok and are starting to recover. The pain for me subsided after a couple of days, but the bleeding remained pretty constant for over a week. I expect if you're having a d&c it won't last as long as that.

I really do feel for you - the pain, loss and distress is like nothing else. There's lots of people here to support you when you need it xxx

Krushby89 profile image

Thankyou to everyone for your replies, I did come on and read them and knowing you have this support behind you is so amazing. The d&c went well, the pains have completely gone and the bleeding is now like a light period. Thank goodness. They really need to change the information given about miscarriages, obviously the people who wrote it have never seen it/or spoken to anyone that had. What happened to me was not like a period whatsoever it was literally pouring out. (Sorry for tmi) I was petrified BUT if I had been warned it would have been so much easier to deal with, I could’ve been prepared - mentally and literally - The always night liners I had bought just weren’t going to cut it!! Anyway, thankyou for your kind words. They mean a lot x x x

Kezbag profile image
Kezbag in reply to Krushby89

Look after yourself now. Life is so cruel sometimes. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to grieve xxx

Olivia_1990 profile image

Hi. I hope you are doing well now. I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I cannot guide you on the technical level of miscarriage, however, I want to provide you some verbal comfort. I can understand how you must have been feeling. The thought wouldn't leave your mind and strike you every second. But you should remember there are millions of women out there going through miscarriages. But you must stay strong, love. Every good thing does not come easily. You need to strive hard to achieve a goal that is worth achieving and is beautiful. So to get a baby, you need to work hard. I know many people experience no pain. But God has chosen us for this test, so let's play strong. We must stay positive always. It will get better for you. One day you will wake up and you would be happy. We all are always here for you. You can talk about your emotions here. Take care

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