MMC at Viability Scan :( Advice about... - Fertility Network UK

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MMC at Viability Scan :( Advice about miscarriage process

JenRoy profile image
16 Replies

What was supposed to be a joyful day turned to shock & despair at our viability scan. Still can’t believe it. I had quite strong pregnancy symptoms and Clear Blue had progressed to 3+ weeks this weekend.

I’m 6+5 today but there was no heartbeat and embryo only measuring 5+3.

I’ve been told to stop my meds today. Just waiting for a 2nd opinion as I thought they’d at least scan me in 7 days time to check for no growth?!

My question is, how bad will or could the bleeding be? I’m a bit scared. Supposed to be going away to Cornwall on Sat for a week but wondering if it’s better to stay home. Desperately need a break away and will be with family but worried about being far from home.

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JenRoy profile image
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16 Replies
Lovemylion profile image

Hi JenRoy. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I'm going through a MMC myself. Baby had a heartbeat but was measuring small at the 7 week scan. I had a scan at 9.5weeks last Sunday due to bleeding and confirmed no heartbeat and didn't grow past about 6.5 weeks. After initial light bleeding for 3 days I passed it at home with some cramps and was quite quick. Emotionally it wasn't pleasant at all but the physical process wasn't as bad as I had imagined or read about but that's perhaps because of the gestation. My body has bounced back surprisingly quick and a scan at the epu confirmed that everything had gone and was as it should be. Personally I wanted to avoid medical intervention and wait for my body to do it naturally but that depends how you feel mentally about it. Any questions just ask. Xxx

Picalilli99 profile image

Hi JenRoy. I’m so sorry to hear about your devastating news 💔. I have no personal insight to offer (as we opted for medical management with our MMC because it did not happen naturally for us after leaving it a week and I just wanted it to be over). But I’m sure many of the women on here will be able to offer helpful advice. Take care of yourself lovely. Big hugs xxx

LCharlton profile image

Really sorry to hear this. I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks measuring a week behind, so it was a little further on, but for me the pain was much more of a problem than the bleeding, it was exceptionally painful for about four hours between when things really got going and when I finally passed the sac. Before that I had spotting-level bleeding for a couple of days, during the four hours there was a lot of bleeding and in addition to wearing pads I wore old tracksuit bottoms that I later threw away, and lay on a couple of layers of towels that I put over the sofa, then needed pads for a couple of days afterwards. But essentially the whole thing was over in 4 hours for me, although everyone's experience is different. If you do go away I would definitely recommend having painkillers, a hot water bottle and some old leggings or something that you wouldn't mind throwing away and a few old towels.

So so sorry you are having to deal with this and sending a massive hug xxxx

Zebedee1971 profile image

Hi,Firstly I'm so sorry you've had to go through this - it sucks and I've been there so understand completely.

As for what to expect, expect a very heavy period with big clots. I was 7 weeks when the miscarriage happened and I also had thick tissue like lumps. It can be quite full on. I felt like I was in the loo a lot as it was very heavy. It was uncomfortable and I had strong period - like cramps.

It's still possible to go to Cornwall but I'd suggest thick maternity pads. I vaguely recall not being able to use tampons for infection reasons but might be worth asking as I think my memory is hazy.

Sorry again x

Miracle43 profile image

I’m so sorry JenRoy 💔I’ve been there too.

I found out about ours when we went for a scan at our private clinic, they referred me to the EPU. There I had another scan to confirm.

I opted for medical management m, I’m sorry I can’t help with what to expect.

Take care of yourself lovely. Hugs xx

coniston26 profile image

Hi lovely, firstly I am so sorry this is happening to you. It’s horribly unfair and a devastating time. Anyone who’s not been through an IVF miscarriage will never really understand the pain and upset. My wife and I are on our 9th round of IVF and we’ve had 3 miscarriages, two early and one later on. I won’t lie and don’t want to scare you but they were gory and horrific and she had to spend many hours stuck on the toilet as the blood kept pouring out. There was a lot of blood and a lot of clots, some as big as golf balls, most smaller but it all took a day for the big painful clots to pass and then it’s like a normal period for a few more days. I would advise you to still go away as you need distraction right now and a trip to Cornwall sounds lovely. Stopping meds doesn’t always result in passing naturally. One of our miscarriages my wife passed half of it naturally but a scan after showed lots of pregnancy tissue still present so she had to go for a D&C after. There’s no right way to do it, it’s all emotionally traumatic and I hope you’ve got some good support around you. Sending you all the love xxx

Bexarama83 profile image
Bexarama83 in reply to coniston26

Sorry you’re going through this. It’s horrible. Similar to the others, the main pain and bleeding lasted a relatively short time. I was in agony (being sick from pain) for about 4 hours, then the worst bleeding the next day where I was wearing the thickest pads and changing every hour. That was the worst of it. After that, I bled on and off for 3.5weeks, bit unpredictable but just like a normal period. I just wanted to curl up in bed through the worst of my mmc, but everyone is different. xxx

poppiek profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this 😢 I had a miscarriage at around 8 weeks but fetus had stopped growing at around 6.5 weeks. It passed naturally (no medical intervention). It was like a heavy period, I had spotting for about a week, then cramping for about a day whilst the main clots passed out. Then a heavy period for the next few days. Painkillers helped a lot. For me, the emotional pain was a lot worse than the physical. I was glad I was at home (I spent a lot of time on the loo) but do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. It’s also hard to say when exactly the bleeding will begin. Please don’t be nervous of the physical side of it, it’s completely manageable. Take care of yourself. Sending you love and hugs ❤️

I am so sorry to hear this. One of my natural miscarriages was 5+3 and to be honest it really was just like a crampy heavy period rather than anything too physically horrific. I used the heaviest nighttime pads and was getting through them at a rate of knots.

Re Cornwall I think its more about if you feel at home and comfortable there. To be honest I didn't really want to see anyone I just wanted to hide myself away and just wanted to be at home ... but everyone is different. Sending you a huge hug xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Oh Jen, I'm so sorry! I had a couple of early losses. One where my hCG stopped increasing and I had to stop meds....I had pretty bad period pains with that one but once I passed some tissue the cramping slowed down and the bleeding was just a heavy period. My other one was a little further on and I was still on meds but still an early loss and it was similar but more intense cramping which was pretty painful but again once I passed the tissue it all settled right down and I hardly got any bleeding with that one strangely enough. I think you should still be able o go away, one the cycle where I stopped meds I started bleeding around 4 days later. Massive

AuroraXen profile image

Ahhhh no. This is such awful news JenRoy. I can't give you any advice, I've never managed a BFP even. But I just wanted to say how sorry I am. It's just heartbreaking. Sending lots of love for the days ahead xx

Bella_Bee profile image

I'm so sorry this happened to you. Hope you're able to glue yourself back together soon. I miscarried naturally around the same time, 6 and a bit weeks. I was shocked to read what some ladies here went through. My heart goes out to you all. I don't remember mine like that at all. To be honest I only remember the emotional pain and sadness and utter depression.. The physical side was just like a heavy period. Nothing that codeine couldn't fix and it lasted for around a week. Finding the strength to get out of bed, on the other hand, that took about a month. Sending lots of love your way.

KiboXX profile image

I’m so sorry to see this 😢

Wish I had some magic words to make it better 💔 Hope you’ve managed to get a second opinion from the EPU for peace of mind. I had a miscarriage the week before my viability scan and like others have mentioned, it was painful but short lived. Sending you a huge hug xxxxx

jengi profile image

Oh JenRoy, my heart breaks for you. Sending big hugs Xx

Miracolo2 profile image

It's so heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Sending you lots of hugs. X

JenRoy profile image

Thanks to all you lovely ladies. I feel a bit stronger today. Waiting for things to happen. Decided to go to Cornwall in the end but I took in board all your suggestions and have come well prepared! Really appreciate the advice & support. Hugs to all those who have been through or are going through the same xx

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