This is so tough and weird to type but I had my first miscarriage as a first time mom (was). I found out that I'm pregnant after first medicated trial on 30th March, started having backpain on 4th April. I thought this could be due to constipation, but saw blood when I wiped. Stayed very light, pink in color for 2 days. 3rd day it started getting brighter red but still like spotting and didn't stain the pad. After 6 days of spotting and no cramps, bleeding got heavy on 9th April with bad cramps. 10 April, passed a clot that looked like my perfect little baby of 6 weeks gestation.11 April had the scan, confirmed miscarriage. Thankfully uterus was emptied through the bleeding. Decided a burial for my angel baby.
I still can't believe I'm typing these. I am numb sometimes, and other times just breaking down. Love seems to have stopped.
Hope I get over this with courage and motivation.