Apologies for stupid question. Fertil... - Fertility Network UK

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Apologies for stupid question. Fertility appointment 6 days post surgery.

32 Replies

Hi everyone.

I had my appointment letter yesterday- we are booked to see our consultant 22nd March. We were originally discussing fertility treatment ( I’d be over 6 months clear of my miscarriage)

A lot has happened since our last appointment- we saw his assistant and it was a disappointing appointment - my concerns over my symptoms were dismissed so much so a GP suggested I wrote my concerns to my fertility doctor which I did. He wrote back - he had been very pro active- he checked my swabs, arranged a pelvic ultrasound, following the scan he refered me to his colleague- my lining wasn’t in uniform and he wanted further investigations. I got an appointment to see his colleague in January - it was agreed i needed more surgery- ( for those who don’t know I have endometriosis)

I have given up trying as there seems no point with how things are with me- I think the endo has returned...

I’m due to have my surgery 16th March- I’m booked to have laparoscopy & hysteroscopy, biopsy and endo to be removed if found.

I contacted his secretary saying I hope to make the appointment- I have had so much hassle from my manager over hospital appointments- although HR and occupational health are on my side it isn’t nice. I will be signed off work so part of me thinks it would be easier to attend. Also I will be able to discuss my surgery and when I can try again and what we can do differently to prevent another loss- if that is possible.

I don’t know if I’m being optimistic to think I’ll be up to it so soon after surgery.

Am I being silly? xoxo

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32 Replies
AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

It all depends on surgery Jess really you don't know how quick you'll recover. I'd be eager like you too. If you'll have support and your own car then I think it would be possible as it's just sitting and talking just taking it easy walking about. But ultimately you can't really answer that question until you've had surgery really, you don't know how your going to feel I had all what your getting done I was extremely sore and ended up having infection too so was not ready to be up and about for ages only places I went was hospital and drs. With support. 💗🤗😘

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you. You’re right I know 😊 I hope to be well enough - I’ll be going with hubby. Last time I was shattered for days and days. I could ask if he would phone me instead if I am not up to it. 🤔 I know what I’m like and I know I’ll be wondering about the fertility side of things 🙄

What’s the latest with you? How’s the salon coming on?

Sorry for delay - had crippling endo pain for a few days , still it’s my last period till op 🙌🏻 xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

I think asking for a phone call is a good idea hun. Great your ops going to be soon. Last period too sorry you've been in pain. 💗

Salons doing well the shell is up the cavity walls going up now I just can't wait to decorate it. I'm ok just really hormonal up and down all time.


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

It’s a difficult journey and it’s such a rollercoaster ☹️ I hope with the support of the mc clinic your time is coming soon 😘

That’s great news with the salon- gives you something to help take your mind off things- I know it’s always there ☹️

Hopefully this year will be a kinder and better year to us both 😘 xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Hopefully it will be. I'm sure we're well over due a break by now. 😘

Yes I'm back there a week in Friday see what happens.

Your lap will surely be the answer to your success like last time just with a much happier outcome 💗


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Good luck for the appointment- hope you can get some answers 😊

Thank you I hope so! I think the endo isn’t definitely not helping. 🙄 My chemist sell that stuff you were on about -can’t spell it! I will buy some to take after my surgery to keep ig at bay 😊

I’ve just found out that through this site my thyroid level needs to be under 2 for ttc and pregnancy- mine is nearly 5 I think ( it’s def over 2) I now wonder if that had a bearing on things. I will get my bloods printed off and take it to my fertility doctor. I fail to see why this gets over looked- my bloods are taken to the lab in the same hospital my fertility clinic is!! It feels like we have to do all the research and push things along 🙄 frustrating xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Yes iv heard that too. Mc consultant said my thyroid was fine I'll ask what the result was. I know the simplest things always get looked over unless we, scream and shout 😣

Serrapeptase it's called. Glad you've found some.

Thanks hun, not long now till your surgery. 💗🤗😘

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you 😊

I’m going to get my doctors to print off my results and I’ll either take to the appointment ( if I’m up to it) or send a copy of the results. I want to make sure I do to give everything the best chance 😊

Problem is the GP will say 5 and under is fine for health but they don’t seem to know what it should be for fertility/early pregnancy.

My cousin has pcos took clomid and fell but miscarried at 6 weeks. Then the dr looked at her thyroid and got in under 2 and she had a successful pregnancy 😊 interesting.

I wonder if that would help both of us 😘 xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Yes definitely something to get checked and sorted if need be. These things are so simple to get sorted if needed too it baffles me why they don't get mentioned when we're struggling. Tbf I did mention to mc consultant last time but never asked the results I'll ask next time she did say ohh then she no their fine so maybe it was in high side.

It is certainly interesting glad they sorted your cousin out. 🤗

Are you all prepared for your lap?


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Feeling positive that I will and you get to the bottom of this. 🙌🏻 This will our year 🌈

I’m on another course of antibiotics ( 3rd set) to try to resolve this ongoing sinus infection ( GP told me to take 2 weeks prior surgery so I’m well enough). I’m also on my ferrous sulphate and I’m taking echinacea to try avoid more colds- hard when you work in a school! It’s been lovely having last two days off work 🙌🏻 I’ve been so tired so it’s been a nice break endo can be so tiring ☹️ Only 2 weeks to go and hope it’ll be better 😊

We ordered a dishwasher which will arrive next Saturday now due to weather ( would’ve been tomorrow) In time for my operation 😘

Do let me knows how your appointment goes will be thinking of you. 💗 xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

That's ideal getting a dish washer for after your op. 😉

Bloody hell third set if antibiotics don't know what they're going to do the fact that antibiotics don't work anymore. Hope your well enough for your op,

I bet you've needed these days off there's some positives to the snow..

I'm trusting these year is our year too. 💗🤗😘

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

It is tricky- these infections are getting immumed to antibiotics ☹️ One GP has given me a spray to use. She looked and couldn’t see any polyps but mentioned a referral if it continues. I am not very keen as I’ve enough with the endo & fertility.

It has helped having time off work the endo has flared so badly since my period. I wish I knew what to do to stop it other than resorting to strong painkillers ☹️ How do you manage yours if you don’t mind me asking? xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

I changed my diet completley. No red meat very rarely if I do Gluten free dairy free sugar free drink filtered water and sole water. Lipoic acid Turmeric ashgwhanda and vitex Take probiotics spirulina omega 3 b complex and normal vitamins but fluid ones that ate yeast free up my vit d to high strength do a salt flush every month. Oh yes and take the serrapeptase. The only times iv took painkillers recently has been my miscarriages. It's hard changing and not eating what you want but it's worth it for me I also do slip up every now and then but feel it and no it's the food that's caused it.

Let's hope this spray helps you and you don't need that referral.


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you will look into my diet and vitamins/ supplements more - I’m vegetarian, I have gone mostly gluten and dairy free. Definitely worth it if it eases pain/symptoms.

I think my endo is a lot worse since my mc- the symptoms and pain are unmanageable at times. Unfortunately a bit of endo was left due to location 😳

I enjoy the good days I have 🙂 yesterday was good day I managed to clean the downstairs carpets 🤗 shouldn’t be like that..,,

Haha I’m mad I want to start ttc again 🙈🤣🤣🤣

Thank you for the tips 💗 xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Your welcome,

I definitely found diet/ supplements helps me more than what them crazy painkillers did.💗

Plus my pain would be horrendous mid cycle due to my blocked tubes so that serrapeptase has worked wonders. Nothing would touch that pain not even morphine. 😣

Glad you had a pain free day yesterday hun nice you could get things done. It's sad we sometimes have to wait for the days when we're ok. 😥

Your not mad hun it will happen and hopefully this time you'll manage to keep endo at bay.


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Mine is at its worse leading up and period 😳 and not much can touch it. I can believe that- glad the serreptapse has eased it amazing 🙌🏻

I’m speaking to my GP about my sinuses tomorrow- still got green & blood ☹️ but not headaches 😊

Is it tomorrow you’re back to clinic? Good luck xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Yes tomorrow it's snowing again hope I can get there,

Bloody hell green n blood that's not good,😷you must be so sick of it.

Mines when it is bad does be around ovulation and before and during period,

Your laps next week gosh time does fly. Good luck


romaluna2015 profile image
romaluna2015 in reply to

Hi Jess

Thyroid can deffinatley have an effect on fertility especially if it’s under active or over active .

It is a good idea to present your re search with the fertility doctors and see what they say my thyroid was the main cause for all 4 of my misscarriages . X

in reply to romaluna2015

Thank you 😊

I feel this has been over looked and since I have seen links to miscarriage I’m going to query it with my fertility doctor who I’m booked to see 6 days after my surgery 😊 my cousin who has pcos miscarried then had her thyroid sorted out and then her next pregnancy was successful 😊

It’s a shame it takes a loss to get there 😳

Anyway congratulations on your girls hope you’re all doing well 💗

romaluna2015 profile image
romaluna2015 in reply to

Keep pushing in regards to thyroid issues Jess. I don’t think I would have Sophia and Alyssa if I didn’t argue my case in regards to the thyroid issues and the fact that thyroid problems are an issue within my family history told me a lot.. although thyroid issues are not everyone’s answer I do feel that it should be a standard test which should be checked .

Thank you they are two weeks old and gaining their weight x

in reply to romaluna2015

Thank you hearing success stories are very helpful. I will push because sometimes we have to don’t we? I wouldn’t be having more surgery if I had left things after my disappointing appointment with my fertility doctors assistant but I chose to fight 😉 my thyroid was checked last month - I know it’s over 2 which is the recommendation for ttc / early pregnancy- research does support this. I will get my results printed out and show him and state my concern 🙌🏻

Thank you again glad the girls are doing well enjoy every moment of being a mummy xoxo

romaluna2015 profile image
romaluna2015 in reply to

Your welcome. Unfortunately it does become such a fight to get the right medications and the right treatments sometimes. Keep at it . Lots of love xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey Jess, I cant really comment on the Laparoscopy side but I had a hysteroscopy with biopsies and lots of cutting away of scar tissue back in Jan. I felt so groggy after the GA and in pain but the hospital gave me pain killers. Within 2 to 3 hours I went on the wander with hubby round Athens and cant say I felt that bad and didnt need any pain relief either. Perhaps someone else can advise how they felt having the laparoscopy as there is a lot more prodding around and going through muscles or can you remember how you felt after your last surgery? If it was me I would probably just go for it if you have 6 days to take it easy in between.xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you- sorry for delay period pain is crippling ☹️

I should remember as i had a lap last time- guess I’ll see how op goes and make a decision. I will be resting after op. Ideally I want to attend and if I can I will. 😘 if I really cannot I will ask for phone call appointment or a letter about the fertility side of surgery. If I have wait on another appointment I’ll be going out of my mind! 🤣

Glad your hysteroscopy went well and I hope this helps you get your BFP 🌈 I hope you get this thyroid and prolactin sorted and it doesn’t delay things 😊 do let me know how you get on xoxo

WeeMrsH profile image

I had a laparoscopy in Dec and the guidance re “getting back in the saddle” was just as soon as I felt able but as a guide was when able to go back to work. I was off for 2 weeks and we did start trying again from that point and it took till then for my bleeding to stop as it also brought on a bad period. It will depend how bad the surgery is and how well or quickly you recover but you don’t have to wait Xx months after or anything as prescriptive as that xx

in reply to WeeMrsH

Last time I tried after my next period and fell but miscarried ☹️ Hopefully I can try soon afterwards again 😊 feels like my trying has been hold forever 😂but it has been a nice break I am looking forward start trying again. 😉

Did they find endo? All the best with your cycle hope it goes smoothly. Hope this is your time 😘 xoxo

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to

Yes mild to moderate endo was excised. Hope things move forward for you Jess xx

penny24 profile image

Hi jess

I had a laparoscopy, endo treated, d&c and hysteroscopy done in the September I was back at work after 1 week but I needed a 3 month prostap injection. I started my ivf at the end of the December while the prostap was running out, if that helps you with timings?

Good luck with the surgery and your next step xx

Thank you.

Sounds like you’ve been through it too. Sorry. What a journey it is. Thd things we have to do hey?!

I had a lap last year and endo was removed but I think with my symptoms it’s back again since my miscarriage 😳

I’m sure my fertility doctor will advise me on when I can try again 😊

All the best with your cycle really hope you get a BFP xoxo

penny24 profile image
penny24 in reply to

Good luck with your surgery jess, I have my fingers crossed for u. Sorry to hear about your loss, this journey is so difficult isn’t it?!

I’m due to start my next round (3rd round) in April, baseline scan on Tuesday. I hope this year is our year ! 😉 xx

in reply to penny24

Thank you . it really is such a hard journey...

Im sure it’s third time lucky 😉 Look forward to hearing your updates hope it goes well 😘

I’m sure this year we both kick infertility’s sorry backside 🤣🤣🤣😉 xoxo

penny24 profile image
penny24 in reply to

Thanks jess ! I love that comment and yes we will kick infertility’s sorry backside!!! Your comment will help me keep motivated and positive xxx

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