Hi ladies
I wrote a week or so ago saying we were in the stages of being referred for ivf by nhs we had a telephone appointment with our local fertility hub, we then had a face to face appointment on Monday of this week by Wednesday we had a letter from the fertility clinic we will use in Manchester confirming we are accepted for nhs funding and by Friday we are set up on their portal, questionnaires done etc and they called to say our first appointments with them will be start of March from transvaginal scan and more semen samples (male fertility issues currently but obviously my scan could show other issues) then a few days later a telephone appt with the doctor to discuss results. I’m sorry if you are asked this all the time but I feel things are moving quickly even though I know it’s only the beginning. We have been told that it will be ICSI I just wondered what happens from here timescales etc (appreciate this is different everywhere) I know the clinic will tell us everything but my mind is working overtime currently.
I don’t write much on here but just wanted to say I have taken so much info from you all and it’s so helpful. Love x