Hi there I'm new to this site was just wanting people's advice . I'm on day 5 after having 2 embryos put in on Monday . The last 5 days have been really hard . This 2ww is killing me . Today I done a pregnancy test and it came back a big fat negative and I was just wondering if this is a indicator the the cycle has failed or if I just done it to early . My test date isnt untill next Sunday which is still 8 days away . I know I shouldn't of tested but as I said it's killing me this 2 week wait ☹xx this is my first round of ifv so I'm new to all this .. back when i was 16 I had a still born at 25 weeks then went on to have a little boy who is now 14 who has autism. Sadly his dad died at 2 . 6 years later I met my now husband and we had a optopic pregnancy nearly 2 years ago resulting in right tube removal and now on our first round of ivf after trying to get pregnant since xx
Day 5 after embryo transfer . . Is it... - Fertility Network UK
Day 5 after embryo transfer . . Is it to early to test
How old were your embies 5 day or 3 day embie? Its definetly too early to test. I heard of people testing 10 day after a 5 day embie but the BFP was very light showing just a very faint line so had they tested earlier then it would have been a BFN. When they test again 3 days later it was a brighter BFP. Testing early will add stress if negative. The 2WW is hellish. If you to get a BFP your still waiting as you got to week 7 to get a scan to see if its got a heartbeat. I hope you get your BFP but that test is far to soon im afraid. X
Hiya😊day 5 Embies. I knew deep down was far to early but couldn't resist . Now feeling really down about the result . The 2ww is horrible and out of all of the process found this the hardest x thanks for the reply xx

I dont judge it is horriable waiting but stress is to be avoided. I got loads of comedies to watch. Currently there is no reason you might not get BFP just relax knowing if embie has attached it hasnt had enough time. You still got hope so hold on to that. I will keep my fingers crossed. ☺
Thank you so much .. I will try and relax and keep my fingers crossed .The 2ww is just sooo hard ! This has been the hardest through out the whole process .. wishing you well and my fingers crossed for you too xx
It’s too early to test on a 5 or 3 day transfer. That’s why we get an otd, it’s the day that will give us the most reliable results. I understand the need to know and how hard the tww is, I’m just about to do my fourth. You’re not out yet. Try to stay positive and go out and do something nice everyday, even if it’s just going for a walk and keep yourself busy. Good luck for your official test day.
Ps sorry about the losses on your journey so far xx
Thanks so much . I knew deep down was far to early but couldn't resist .. good luck on your journey you sound like you've been through a lot ❤..sending you all the luck in the world xx
Step away from the tests sweet! It's defo too early. Some people like to test early up until test day but it can really mess with your head seeing the negatives but I find it helpful that I don't get my hopes up. Hang on in there, this can defo change!xx
Lol 😅I'm stepping away from the tests! It really messed with my head . I cried uncontrollably on my husband's shoulder as was convinced the cycle had failed ... I've told myself all the way through that it's not going to work and seeing the negative result hit hard 😭 .wishing you good luck and thanks for the reply xx

Being stress free and positive helps success rates. Do what ever it takes a movie night a meal out bit keep busy. X

I know its hard but maybe even guve the tests to your hubby and let him hide them so you can't test until OTD! Wishing you loads of luck.xx
Lol yes I think I will take your advice and give the tests to my husband .. loads of luck to yourself ❤xx
What a journey you’ve been on! No wonder you’re finding the wait hard. It is too early to test. There was a lady on here just this week who had the same thing and she got her beta blood test back yesterday and it was positive. They give us the the earliest test dates they can be sure of getting an accurate result so try to hold out till your otd!
Thank you 😊 for the reply. That's great news for the lady yesterday wishing her and yourself all the luck in the world . . yes I'm finding it so hard with everything I've been through .. That's only a few of the things to be honest . I could write a book lol .. I'll be strong and wait now till next Sun 😁xx