I had a 5 day transfer 4 days ago when is the earliest I can do a home pregnancy test I am tempted to do a test. I only had one blastocyst transferred and had no embryos to freeze and this is my only chance on the NHS
Is it to early to test: I had a 5 day... - Fertility Network UK
Is it to early to test

Hello Nat, I would wait until your official test day. If you do it too soon you could get a false result and it will add to the stress! I know it must be really difficult but try to keep yourself busy. Good luck! x
my test day was 9 days after blastocyst transfer. I tested on day 8 which was negative but then day 9 was positive. It made me feel awful testing too early as I thought it was over so try not to if you can. if you test early it could be the drugs so either way you will end up doing a few tests then up to test day and driving yourself mad.
I tested early too. Didn't think I would want to initially...so when I did, I did my first one taking into consideration that the trigger shot can affect the hormones/reading up to 12 days after its been administered.
I took the readings with a big pinch of salt, but did one every other day until OTD x
Thanks, I know it will drive me mad especially if I get a negative but this wait is awful xx
My test date is next Saturday 11 days post transfer xx
The waiting is awful! I am 6dp 5dt- test day is Tuesday!! It's the longest 9 days of our lives. Hubby has been on at me to test today but earliest I want to do is Monday. However he'd be away to work already so would miss it and if it's positive id want him there- So think I'll hold off now till OTD. Good luck!! xx
Hey hun hope eveything goes well i also only had one blastocyst and none left to freeze unfortunatly it was negative i would avoid testing early the 2wk wait is dreadful i know hope everything works out for you xx
Since yesterday I have really been feeling like my period is coming in on permanent toilet watch had terrible tummy ache and sore legs and buttocks, I'm 7 days post 5 day transfer now and really hoping it doesn't come before Saturday my test day x
Thank you all for your responses to my original post and I'm really sorry you didn't get the result you wanted kizza, everything crossed for you for next time xxx