Hi everyone So to jump straight in... we've been trying for a baby for three years now. Everything is normal with my husband, i have PCOS which we knew about since i was 16. I've been with my consultant for about a year. We've tried chlomid at 50mgs and it didnt work. I've now got a precription for 100mgs which i can start at my next period. My consultant has also recommended i go for a scan/xray to check my fallopian tubes, but he said to do that i should not start the chlomid and there should be absolutely no chance i'm pregnant if i do go...
So, my period is about to arrive (getting all bloated and hormonal) and now i have to decide, try chlomid first or go for the scan? I know logically i should go for the scan but i feel like that will then be yet another month wasted with another test that tells us everything is normal - we've had a whole year of scans, blood tests, repeat blood tests, ultrasounds, i have been diagnosed with PCOS 3 times already as i get passed around doctor to doctor, they all do the same first steps and then all tell me like i didnt already know that! Everytime i do one of these tests it means i stay one step further away from getting our baby so my head says do the fallopian tube test, my heart says chlomid...
Any adivce? good luck to everyone on here - we'll all get there eventually hopefully.