No more bleeding?!! What is going on?... - Fertility Network UK

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No more bleeding?!! What is going on??????

Sarah_a_2018 profile image
9 Replies

Yesterday I was completely devastated after some intense cramping on Monday night, spotting which then yesterday led to what I thought was the first day of my period as it was a typical day 1, bright red blood, intense cramping that was getting worse as the day went on, there was heavy enough bleeding to need to wear a pad but I didn’t bleed on to it, the blood was mostly when I wiped, and by last night it stopped but wore a pad to bed jist in case as that has happened to me before, not worn anything and it’s caught me by surprise either during the night or first thing in the morning.

I’m still taking the pessaries as advised by my clinic, trying to prepare myself for the definite bfn that awaits me on Sunday, but there’s a part of me that is clinging on to the tiniest bit of hope that this could still have a positive outcome, the clinic have even said that bleeding is nothing to worry about as it is common in early pregnancy but if it gets heavier it’s a lot less likely that I am pregnant, and I’m at s loss for what to do, I’m seeing my GP first thing tomorrow, I want to go in to work today but not sure how long I’ll be able to keep it together 😭😭😭

I know everyone’s different and I don’t want to get my hopes up again that’s going to come crashing down again by Sunday but has anyone been in similar situation and everything has been ok? Xxx

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Sarah_a_2018 profile image
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9 Replies
Looby25 profile image

Hey, sorry can’t really offer any advise as I didn’t have spotting but there are lots of stories on here of ladies spotting even bleeding and still getting a bfp! I know it is so hard and I literally wanted to punch people who said just relax everything will be fine during my 2ww but remember to look after yourself and try and read some positive stories to help! Wishing you lots of luck and baby dust x x x x

Sarah_a_2018 profile image
Sarah_a_2018 in reply to Looby25

Thank you 😊 trying to stay positive and keep hoping but not too much at the same time xx

I will keep my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻

My sister had heavy bleeding at 5 weeks and was told it was implantation bleeding.

I have seen many ladies have bleeding thinking it was all over to get BFP test day 😊🤰🏼

Good luck xoxo

Sarah_a_2018 profile image
Sarah_a_2018 in reply to

Thanks I’m really hoping i am one of them, I feel like I’ve already given up and admitted defeat but have been reading a few stories that are giving me a little bit of hope xx

I had various degrees of spotting and bleeding with all three of my children, all unexplained. I ad early scans with them all, the only time anyone suggested anything was that sex could have been a trigger as sometimes your cervix is more sensitive.

I know it's hard but try to stay positive because bleeding in pregnancy is really common. Many would have everyone believe you should only see light brown spotting but that just isn't true. Some do have full on bleeds and all is fine still. Some continue to bleed for much of their pregnancy and everything is fine.

I recently read briefly about decidual bleeding which according to what I read is usually heavier than spotting but harmless. There's a lot of info online so I'm sure there's probably plenty to contradict everything you read but the absolute truth of the matter is, many people experience this and go on to have a healthy pregnancy, some don't. People like to quote the statistics as if to say most result in loss, but if they say a quarter of pregnancies result in loss, that means three quarters don't, and that's many more healthy pregnancies than losses. I prefer to view the statistics this way.

Sending lots of positive vibes your way

Sarah_a_2018 profile image
Sarah_a_2018 in reply to cupcakesparkles83

Thank you that really helps, I’ve been researching every day trying to get some clue as to what is going on with my body and you’re right everyone is different, it’s the not knowing and waiting is driving me crazy but am keeping that little flicker of hope going that this will work out, I already felt crushed yesterday that it hadn’t worked, I am dreading how I will feel on Sunday when it’s all official.

Thanks for your help xxx

cupcakesparkles83 profile image
cupcakesparkles83 in reply to Sarah_a_2018

Hopefully Sunday you will be told all is absolutely fine. Keeping everything crossed for you. Bleeding really doesn't always have to spell something awful ❤️

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

There's ladies on here that have bled full on period bleeding and got their bfp keep focused hun hopefully this is your time 💗🤗😘

Dunla profile image

Sarah, hoping all will be well for Sunday. Sending you love 💕

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